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Soon after Josh was finished with his glamour shots, Tyler had more done, and Josh wanted to stay and watch him.

It was so intriguing for him, he just couldn't look away.

Mark stood with him and watched as well.

"What do you see in him?" He asked.

"I don't know." Josh replied. "He just looks, so..."

"So what?-"

"Boys!" Tess cried; almost dropping the camera.

"Yes ma'am?" Mark said.

"If you guys are going to distract me from my work, then take it to your dressing room!"

"Yes ma'am."

Mark dropped Josh and they immediately fled the room, which really pleased Tess.

But Tyler, not so much.

Later, after a few shots, Tess went over and brought a box and placed it in front of Tyler's feet.

Tyler didn't understand what the box was supposed to be used for.

"What is this box for?" He asked.

"Just open it and take out whatever is inside."

When Tyler opened it, he pulled out a noose.

"Why was there a noose inside?" He asked.

"In this shot, you're going to place the noose around your neck, and just move around and be, majestic."


"Just be yourself."

This was something Tyler never wanted to handle or have anything to do with, but if it was for some good quality glamour shots, then he no choice.

Back in the dressing room, Josh sat at the table while Mark was walking around trying to predict his future.

"How could this be?" Josh asked. "I only said hi to him one time, and now, I'm falling in love."

"I know how that feels."

"He must be young, and probably gay according to how he sounds."

"You're gay too! But your voice isn't squeaky!"

"Oh shut up Mark! I'm trying to get a point across."

"You already have!"

Josh buried his face in his hands.

"I don't know what to do!"

"Get to know him more! Or even offer to take him to dinner."

"That's so 1967."

"We do it all the time!"

"Mark! Help me!"

He pulled Josh by his shirt to his face.

"Listen to me Mr. Crybaby, you're going to do something and you will do something now!"


"Talk to him!"

"What if he doesn't like me? What if I mess up?!"

"Just try!"

Suddenly, Tess walked in.

"Boys, time for review."

When she left the room, Josh looked back to Mark.


"It's time."

With a deep breath, Josh walked out the door. Mark followed him.

No Angels [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now