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•1 week later•

"Get in there Mark!" Tyler shouted, holding his phone up to Josh.

Mark came running.

"I'm coming Mr. Joseph! I'm almost there sir!"

"It's about time!"

"Get the picture fine!" Josh cried. "We have a lot of work to do!"

Mark got next to Josh.

"Okay boys. Say peace!"

"Peace!" The both said.

Just like that, the picture was taken. Tyler showed it to Mark and Josh when he was done.

"Omg! I look like an alien!" Josh cried

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"Omg! I look like an alien!" Josh cried.

"You are an alien Josh!" Mark said.

Tyler chuckled.

"You both crack me up."

Josh pulled Tyler into a hug.

"Glad to hear that."

"You truly do."

Mark got in between them.

"So, are we going to get some work done today?"

"Hell yeah! Why would we not?" Josh asked.

"Because of what y'all are doing right now."

"Oh don't worry. We'll get to it."

When Mark heard them say this, Tyler and Josh quickly got to work.

Josh was the first to get his daily shots done. Every pose he did made things very fabulous for him, especially with Tyler watching him.

In the middle of the set, Tyler started dancing around. Josh looked and started giggling.

"Tyler! What are you doing?!" Mark shouted.


"We have work to do!"

Josh pushed him off to the side.

"Don't mind him Marky boy. I'll take care of him."

Mark felt relieved that Josh was going to stop him, but before he knew it, he ran over and started dancing with Tyler.


"This is life Mark!"


Annoyed by the behavior, Mark ran over pulled Josh and Tyler apart, putting them back in their places.

"I know you guys seemingly like each other, but I don't want to turn out like Tess."

"Scuse me?" Tyler asked.

"You heard me."

"Easily on him Mark, he doesn't like to talk about it."

"Tess is never to be mentioned here, or even outside of here."

"I know Ty, but this is serious. With her out of the way, we need to become successful."

"We'll do our best." Josh said.

"That's right!" Tyler added.

Mark smiled at the both of them.


With that, Josh went back to his position for the next round of shots, and Tyler stood by, watching them getting done.

During the time this was happening, Tyler began to feel something inside him, something between good and bad.

His thoughts for Josh was changing and going in different ways. He wasn't sure what to think or feel, he just couldn't tell.

Inside of him, his brain was convulsing, trying to ponder a good thought for Josh, or make him realize that his feelings were true,

But if he were to discover them, how would he feel?

No Angels [Joshler]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora