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Several weeks rolled by, and Tyler was back to normal. When they returned to work, their hands were locked together.

This didn't surprise Max, for he knew that Tyler would find his love.

When Mark saw them walk in, he ran to them with joy.

"My boys!"

Josh smiled.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Mark!"

"Same to you, Joshua Dun! Oh how excited I am to finally see you and your dear Tyler on your feet again!"

Max came out to greet them, but only greeted Tyler.

"How are you feeling?"


"Good, you'll need to be when you're all alone without him, because he'll be dead because of you."

After he finished, Mark called him over for work. Tyler stood, not feeling fazed by Max's words, when it seemed to bother him again.

Like many times before, Tyler went into his dressing room and looked into the mirror, once again seeing the dark image of himself.

One side of him was black with tears and a cracked face, and the other was red, with blood streaming from his eyes and lips.

Seeing the image, Tyler stood back in horror as it slowly tortured him

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Seeing the image, Tyler stood back in horror as it slowly tortured him.

Beware, Tyler Joseph

You're going to kill Josh

Stay away from him

He'll die because of you

Tyler covered his face and fell to the floor, trying to fight the image away.

"Haven't you taken enough from me?"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Tyler? You ready?"

The boy got back to his feet, and the image disappeared from his mind.

"Y-Yeah, I'm ready."

Later, as Tyler was preparing for his shots, Josh pulled Max aside.

"What did you say to him?"

"To who?" Max asked.

"Dammit Max! I heard what you told him!"

"Whatever I said to him wasn't true. He just freaked out."

Josh pulled Max to his face.

"And I'm telling you, Maxwell! You ever hurt my baby boy again, I will certainly have your job terminated, got it?!"

Terrified of losing his job, Max nodded as quickly as he could, just to get Josh off him.

"Good, now stay away from him!"

Josh walked off to get ready for his shots, and Max was left alone, very shaken up, but didn't seem to care.

He knew Tyler's future and he knew what he was going to do.

No Angels [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now