chapter 19

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what's up fuck nuggets. i ain't dead yet, ha you thought ! anyways, here's a chapy wapy and i hope you enjoy after 3 years of not updating B)

A couple days passed by from the meeting we had. You can sense the tension of people in the castle, but it wasn't too strong. I'm not too worried about the deal and everything because i believe Luke will be able to handle everything just fine...hopefully. I also noticed how he, too, has been a little worried himself. He paces back and forward every time he calls someone important, or how he bounces his leg when working. To be honest, i still don't know what's happening and it somewhat bothers me. but no matter how much i ask Luke, he just says "maybe later."

I grab my wallet and phone, and walk out of the castle. i'm bored and i wanna go outside. i checked the weather and it's pretty nice outside. i texted Luke what i was doing so that he wouldn't get worried.

I walk to this cute little shop that was nearby. i've never been here before and it seems neat. i walk inside and the door makes a ringing noise. an old man from the counter notices me and smiles. i smile back and walk around. there was a couple people here too and music played from the speakers on the ceiling. there is vintage items and clothes throughout the store. i look through the jackets and there were a nice ones. i grabbed two jackets that i liked and tried them on. i tried on a black denim jacket that was a nice fit.

"looks nice." i turned around and saw a woman standing in front of me.
"oh, thanks!" i say back, feeling a bit awkward. i take off the jacket and try on the other one.
"i'm assuming you don't recognize me?" the lady says and i look at her. she does look familiar..oh wait.
"oh! Anna, right?" i ask, recognizing her. she smiles and nods her head.
"yup, that's me." she answers.
"how are you doing?" i ask. i didn't know what to say since she's a freakin angle, literally.
"i'm doing good, thanks. how about you?" she giggles.
"i'm doing fine. i was so bored being cooped up so now i'm out here." i say and she nods her head.
"yeah kinda same here. tired of being back home all the time so it's nice to get out sometimes." she says.

     we ended up talking to each other for awhile. she is actually really nice and funny too. i thought she was stern and serious from that one meeting, but she's like a whole new person. i ended up buying the black denim jacket and i walked out of the store with her.
"wanna get something to eat?" she asks and i smile.
"yeah sure, i'm starving." i smile back.

     we went to this burger joint that was next to the shop. we ordered our food and sat down.
"so what's it like? ya know, being married to a demon king." she asks.
"well, it was overwhelming and scary at first. i man, it still kind of is. but i've gotten used to it and accepted that it is what it is." i explain and she nods her head.
"yeah, i can see how that can be so much for you. i mean you were kidnapped and forced to marry Luke. so that is pretty scary." she says and i nod my head smiling.
"so what's it like for you? like, what do you do?" i ask and she smiles.
"i am a commander. i am in charge of my garrison in which we are the ones who make the decisions kind of? we go to all the meetings and such and then tell the archangels what is happening and ask for their permission. it's a lot but i like where i'm at." she explains and i nod my head.
"wow, that sounds pretty cool." i say.
"i guess you can say that yeah." she says.
"i mean, sounds like a lot of work but it's still cool that you have that power." i add on. she smiles and raises a brow.
"don't you have that power as well?" she asks and i just stare at her. i never realized i actually had that power. i am a king of hell i guess. i mean i married a demon who's the king of hell. does that make me the queen? am i a queen or a king?
"yeah i guess i do. kinda forgot about all that stuff. i mean Luke is normally the one who runs things cause ya know, i'm human and he's not so he knows what to do." i say and she rolls her eyes.
"maybe you should make the decisions for once. show him who's boss!" she exclaims and i chuckle.
"he would kill me if i tried to overpower him," i say, putting air quotes over overpower, "i mean i do make the decisions on what we eat for dinner. that's good enough." i say and we both laugh.
"now i can kinda see why he chose you over your sister or whatnot." she says and i raise a brow.
"why's that?" i ask.
"because, you're submissive as hell." she says and i laugh and shrug.
"yeah i guess. but he told me it's because of my good looks." i say and put a hand under my chin and bash my eyelashes.
"i guess i can see that too." she winks playfully.

     i eventually say my goodbyes to Anna and go back to hell. as i walk down the stairs i think hey, now if someone tells me to go to hell i can say that i live there! i walk to the kitchen and dig through the pantries to get some goldfish. my face falls when i see that there's none left and some idiot decided to leave the goldfish bag with one fucking goldfish. i close the pantry in disappointment and turn around to see Luke leaning on the counter. as sexy as he is, he still scared the absolute shit out of me. i jumped and put a hand over my chest.
"you damn lurker." i mumble.
"a hot one though." Luke winks and i roll my eyes.
"yeah yeah whatever." i say smiling. he puts his hand up and uses his finger to tell me to come. i walk over to him confusedly and once i reach him he puts his arms around my back. i put mine around his neck and give him a kiss.
"what'd you do today ohmie." Luke asks and i smile.
"just hung out with someone and ate some food." i say and he raises a brow. hopefully he doesn't get mad with who though.
"with who?" he asks and my heart starts pounding.
"someone." i say and lean in for a kiss. he puts a finger against my lips and says sternly, "tell me."
"promise you won't be mad?" i ask.
"no promises."
"uh well okay that does not make me feel any better." i say and he rolls his eyes. "sooo you know that one angel, Anna?" i say scared. he stares me down.
"you hung out, with an angel?"
"you hung out with our enemy."
"what did she do to you."
"nothing!" i say and he lifts up my chin.
"you better not be lying to me." he says sternly and i'm ashamed to say that turned me on.
"i-i'm not i swear. all we did was talk and whatnot. nothing else i swear." i quickly say and he smirks.
"good boy." he says and holy shit i am hard as a rock. i smiled but that quickly faded.
"wait, you aren't mad?" i ask.
"no i am but i know you didn't do anything bad so eh." he says and i let out a small oh. he leans in for a kiss and when we are about to kiss he pulls away a bit to where our lips brush against each other. "just don't do it again and we'll be good the next time." he says with a deep voice and i nod my head. he smirks before kissing me. we kiss more and i put my one of my hands on the back of his head. his lips are so nice and they feel so good against mine.
"jeesh get a room you two." I jump and immediately look towards the voice who said that. I feel a hand under my chin and turn my face back to Luke. i can see Luke flipping Jon off before Luke presses his lips against mine. i gladly kiss back because why wouldn't i? i then hear footsteps walk away and i smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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