"Right." Was Aizawa's tired reply whilst he snagged Rin's briefcase off of the desk.

He offered Nezu one final look before exiting the office, and trudged begrudgingly toward the 1-A classroom.


Once school ended, Aizawa again dragged Rin along with him, however instead of Nezu's office, he had her change into the U.A. athletics uniform and had her follow him to the school training grounds.

She picked uncomfortably at the fabric encasing her legs as they walked, and frowned deeply once she realized that she wouldn't be able to tear them off any time soon.

"Alright, kid," Aizawa began once they were in the center of the field. "I've got a few activities I want you to do, and when you do them, I want you to use your Quirk; or at least the aspects you are able to outside of water. Understand?"

After hearing Nezu's order to enroll Rin in the Quirk activities his other students participated in, he found it necessary to put her through the same test he had on the first day of school.

A Quirk apprehension test.

As well as the rest of 1-A, Rin was required to do shotput, a timed run, and numerous other activities that she could use her Quirk on in any way she saw fit.

It became apparent that Rin was just naturally quick on her feet per the results of her brief sprint, however her Quirk wasn't very useful on land — as he had previously predicted — and was only able to use it effectively during her shotput throw.

Once the test was said and done, Rin came flocking back to Aizawa's side, breathing quickly whilst wiping a sweat drop from her forehead. However, just as Aizawa was about to turn away, the sight of her skin caught his eye.

"What the...?" He trailed off, double taken as he shifted to face her again. She looked confused as he took her wrist in his hand, black eyes glued to the worn skin. "Jesus, Rin. What happened?"

"My water," she said, pointing a slack finger at her forearm." Came out."

"Is this what happened when Midoriya took you to the ocean without telling me?" He asked, and Rin simply nodded. "Shit... alright. C'mon."

"Hm?" Rin hummed in questioned, however she didn't hesitate to follow as he pulled her along behind him.

"You need to be rehydrated." Aizawa grumbled, unable to help the rise of worry in his stomach as he pulled her along toward his car parked outside of the school.

Rin did little to object whilst she began to feel the irritating itch on her skin, and while she remained rather calm about the situation, Aizawa nearly broke every road law in order to get to Musutafu's ocean side within ten minutes.

Once they arrived, Aizawa sprung from his vehicle and threw open the passenger side door. Rin stepped out with her hands balled into fists to prevent the urge to claw at her arms, and sprinted right passed her teacher and into the water.

She only submerged the portions of her body that needed the lick of the ocean. Aizawa ran up from behind her, and crouched into the gentle waves with a secured hand resting on her back.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking over her shoulder as sunset orange scales began to show on her arms.

"Mmm..." Rin hummed, nodding her head as she cupped the water into her hands. "Mhm..."

"Good..." Aizawa exhaled in relief, patting her shoulder blades as he looked off to the side. "That's good."

A beat of silence passed before Rin had turned toward Aizawa, and he only returned her gaze when she nudged him in the side.

"Are you... okay?" She asked. Her tone almost sounded timid.

"Yeah, kid," he nodded, palming her head and ruffling her hair as he stood up. "As long as you are, I don't have anything to worry about. C'mon, you must be tired. Let's head back home."

A soft look fell onto Rin's face as she rose to her feet, and she smiled softly to herself whilst they began to make the short journey back to Aizawa's car.

Despite being relatively new to the surface world and positive human interaction, Rin could tell that Aizawa's paternal love toward her was genuine. He had gone out of his way to take care of her from the moment the two had met, and Rin was beyond grateful to have been found by him. There was so much that she wanted to say to him, but she lacked the knowledge and the eloquence to ever be able to get her point across.

No matter how much that fact irked her, she knew that she would just have to make do with expressing her affections and her gratitude physically, and that's what she hoped to do every time she held onto the back of his jacket.

And, without even really having to say anything to begin with, Rin knew that Aizawa understood her.

And something told her that he always would.

An: I think we all needed a little more Dadzawa in our lives. Enjoy.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now