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The first half of the day went along without a hitch, and Rin sat silently in her chair whilst Aizawa taught his class. She could feel a few eyes plastered to the back of her head during the sixty minute session, and caught the glances of a few of her classmates just as they were looking away.

She would, occasionally, hold the stares of a certain green haired boy from across the room. He appeared to be intrigued not only by her sudden enrollment into 1-A, but also by her appearance. His sharp hues would dart around her face whenever she offered him her attention, and he would quickly look away thereafter. This cycle would repeat itself every few minutes, but — despite how bad she wanted to approach him — Rin waited patiently for Aizawa's permission to get up.

"Rin," and, as if on cue, the sound of Aizawa's voice startled her into looking away from the boy. Aizawa stood in front of her desk, and leaned down slightly as the rest of her new classmates arose from their seats. "It's lunch hour. Are you hungry?"

Rin blinked and shook her head.

"Are you sure?" He pressed, standing up straight whilst offering her a pointed look. "I don't want you getting up in the middle of class —"

"No." She interrupted him. The action seemed to surprise him, however he shook it off nonetheless.

"Alright," he concluded, sighing. "Do you want to come with me?"

"No." Rin shook her head and glanced around the room.

"Don't snap at anybody," Aizawa warned as he neared the door. "Be nice. Don't bite. Understand?"

"Don't bite," she repeated. "Be nice."

Aizawa nodded in confirmation at that, and with another quick glance at the girl, he exited the classroom and slid the door shut behind him. At his absence, Rin took it upon herself to stand up, but before she could make way toward the one who had been staring at her previously, a tall boy with glasses came racing toward her — his hands held straight at his hips.

"Hello," he began, voice sounding monotone as he thrusted a hand in her face. Rin took a step back to avoid being hit. "As class 1-A's president, it is only natural that I be the first to introduce myself. My name is Tenya Iida, and it is my honor to welcome you to our class. Please, if you are ever in need of assistance, do not hesitate to call on me for help!"

Rin couldn't help but narrow her eyes and lean forward, attempting to dissect anything Iida said for her to understand. However, she came up with nothing and was only able to stare at the hand he held out to her.

"Iida," another male's voice found its way into the conversation, and upon turning her head, Rin was surprised to see the green haired boy from previously standing beside her. "Mr Aizawa said she doesn't speak very well, remember?"

"Ah, of course, my apologizes," Iida bowed his head low, and again Rin found herself taking a tentative step backwards. "Please, I got ahead of myself. Forgive me."

The boy beside her breathed out of his nose and smiled, turning his attention to Rin with his own scarred hand held out to her.

"Sorry," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck whilst avoiding eye contact. Rin stared at his freckles. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, but my friends call me Deku... so if that's easier for you, call me Deku."

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now