4 // Run

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Sunlight beamed on my face as I woke up sadly it wasn't hoseok.

BamBam was already up looking through the various maps.

We both ate and searched the house for anything useful to take with us.


We got lost a few times and had to take some detours but we were almost near the entrance of Gwacheon City.

"HEY" a shout from afar was heard

We frantically looked around, but couldn't find the source of the voice.

"YAH! SHUT UP LOUDMOUTH" another voice screamed.

Up ahead in the distance we're two male figures.

"I don't know who they are, do you?" BamBam asked, I shook my head.

We stood there unsure if we were to waltz up these two unknown figures, till one of them spoke.

"yah, BamBam you don't recognize me??!!" One of the figures frantically waved their arms in the air before BamBam started running up to them.


Me, BamBam, Jackson and Chen from EXO made our way towards Gwacheon together.

Chen got separated from his group and found Jackson elegantly fighting some infected.

BamBam was still worried about Mark, but there was no sign of him still, but then..

"wait!" BamBam ran ahead of us and picked up a jacket, "Marks jacket! Maybe- maybe he's in Gwacheon!!"

Me and Jackson looked at each other, before agreeing with BamBam.

The four of us passed the bloodied and torn jacket making our way into Gwacheon City.


As I woke up, I stared at the scene that laid in front of me.

Jin somehow had his RJ plushie beside him,

Yoongi was in the corner sleeping,

Hoseok was sleeping peacefully with his phone next to his head,

Jimin held onto a Gudetama plushie,

Taehyung slept next to jimin while clenching his fists

And jungkook- uh

Jungkook had I don't know how many bags of chips scattered around him. Where did he even get those?

I checked my watch, 10:30am.

We're gonna start moving soon, I'll wake up the rest in 5 minutes.


I noticed Jackson and Chen had backpacks while I just carried a Sachel I found at the house we stayed at.

We officially entered Gwacheon City.

We moved to the side of the road to discuss what we're going to do.

"I say, we find information about where the safe spots are." BamBam stated "And also find Mark" he quickly added.

"How are we going to do that? We don't even know where to start." Chen commented

"If there are survivors we'll obviously ask them-" I started before Chen interrupted, "IF they don't kill us-"

I rolled my eyes then continued, "-As I was saying, if we can find a police station or something those places might have answers to where they evacuated people." I finished.

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