Chapter Two

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January, 1941
Long Island

Exams were around the corner, to see who was going to Hawaii, Evelyn was testing Rafe, and Charlotte knew that since Rafe was dyslexic, he was going to have a problem with the reading part. She knew that he was gonna struggle.

"Evelyn, he can see well, and can read well. He just mixes up letters and numbers. That's it." Charlotte said.

"Charlotte I can handle it from here. Thank you."

She nodded. As soon as that conversation ended, She heard her name be called by a familiar voice, Charlotte McCawley could recognize that deep baritone voice anywhere.

"Charlotte?" She looked up, and there he was.



"You enlisted?" She asked.

"Yeah I just need to take my test."


Danny passed all the exams, he was always very bright.

"I'll see you in Hawaii Danny."

He then gave her a wink and She smiled.

Charlotte then heard the sound of a crash. She look and see Rafe lying on the ground holding his nose. Evelyn is there next to him. She walked over.

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing." Evelyn said, "He had the shot twice already, He broke his nose."

"Rafe?!" Charlotte yelled, "Are you trying to embarrass me?"

"Ahhhh! Oww!" Rafe groaned as he lied on the ground."

"Get up!" She cried as she pulled him up, "I'm sorry, he's always been that way."

Charlotte went over to Barbara, another nurse and Barbara had him lay still. Danny was right next to them.

"What did he do?"

"Just Rafe being Rafe."

Danny chuckled

"He was trying to impress a girl wasn't he?"

Charlotte nodded and explained how he has the hots for Evelyn. Charlotte knew Rafe and Danny always had opposite personalities. Rafe was always a smart alec who could have any girl he wanted, while Danny was shy and often didn't know if anyone would ever date him. But Charlotte knew that Danny deserved to be happy. She knew he could have the pick of any girl he wants.

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