I coughed awkwardly and looked around hoping no one had heard our conversation or noticed that his words affected me.
Thankfully, the waiter walked over to our table saving me the embarrassing situation. We were served with different meals ranging from Caprese Steak to chicken piccata to Penne all'Arrabbiata and finally Chicken Cacciatore.

"you ordered without me?? Not fair"

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll enjoy every bit of it " his eyes stayed on me longer than usual

I hummed and took a sip of the wine. There was a refreshing taste of floral and a somewhat creamy texture.

"so what's the occasion?" I questioned as we dug into our meal

"I figured we should go on a date as I'm rarely available "

"hmm this is really good. They're all so good I don't know which is my favorite" I voiced savoring the taste. I heard him chuckle

"Trying to buy me over with food??Really Xav?!?"
I gazed at him with an eyebrow raised

"Well I can say it's working perfectly "
His eyes squinted slightly as he laughed, that little action made my heart flutter in delight. This man before me was my life.

"Least I forget, mom's planning a family dinner in a few weeks. She says it's to welcome you into your new family "

"What?? We've been married for two weeks babe. Is it really necessary for a welcome dinner?!" I didn't want to be in the same environment as those cruel people

"They're just trying to be friendly bambina "

I scoffed at his mention of friendliness, that family was anything but nice
"Okay" I said in a boring tone

His cell phone rang and he picked up placing the device to his ear

"si Diego"
taking a bite from the Chicken Cacciatore, I rolled my eyes as he spoke. Even on our date night, work still found a way to butt in.

"Loro sono qui?"
(they're here?) I felt his form stiffen after those words

"Xaviar?? Is everything alright??" I dropped the cutlery and moved my hand to his fingers on the table. He in turn motioned for me to calm down

"Blanc la porterà a casa. Vieni subito qui Diego!"
(Blanc will take her home. Get here now Diego!) at the mention of my guards name, Xaviar signaled him over and he moved towards our table

with the serious look my husband held I knew all was not okay
"What's going on Xaviar?!?" I questioned warily immediately he got off the phone

"calm down babe. Blanc will take you home and I'll join you soon. " He spoke in a soothing manner but that did nothing to calm my nerves that were already at the edge

Blanc had just reached our table as I was about to object and further question him

"Portala a casa in sicurezza Blanc. I Torreslander sono qui "
(Take her home safely Blanc. The Torreslanders are here)

Non second after Xaviar had voiced these words, the sound of gunshot rang in the air and bullets flew across the restaurant shattering the windows and glasswares.

I was pulled roughly from my seat as the people in the room began to scream and run in various directions. While some rushed to the entrance, others ran to take shelter

"Attraversa la porta sul retro!"
(Go through the back door) I heard Xaviar yell while pulling out a gun from his shirt. as the order was given, Blanc rushed me in an unknown direction.

Dolore di Layla Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang