2/Betting and Babbling

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To see what the TARDIS looks like from the outside, I have inserted an image, the interior will be seen below the interior’s description, do please see them to clear any confusion as to what it looks like. Enjoy!


“Good, eh? Take your time, it often overwhelms people.”

“It’s… It’s…”

3rd person’s POV

“Let me guess….. ‘Bigger on the inside’” said The Doctor, whispering.

“Wanna bet?” Jack whispered back

“5 quid.”

“Just 5? Come on, be a man!!”

“10 quid, you’re on.”

Jack raised his eyebrows.


“That’s a man.”

“…It’s beautiful! Nice colour, by the way, the blue is very pretty and pleasant. Ha! Pretty and pleasant! I like that. I should write that down. Do you have a kitchen in here?” Alex commented.

It was beautiful. It had a huge console-like thing right in the middle of the room, with the room being supported with pillars all over. Through the middle of the console ran a tube-like structure, all being a calming  light green-blue color. The console itself looked messy with wires hanging around all over, denser near the console.

The whole room was shining with orange light mixed with the blue light emitting from the tube, giving the place a mix of calming orange and blue hue

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The whole room was shining with orange light mixed with the blue light emitting from the tube, giving the place a mix of calming orange and blue hue. It-

“Oh yes!” Someone screamed.
“Damn it!” Someone else exclaimed.

This broke Alex out of her reverie to see what was going on.

“Yes, there is a kitchen here. Also, thank you. Thank you so much!! Haha!” Jack said with a huge smile.

“Thanks for what?”
“Winning me 20 quid, of course!” Jack said.

“Ok… You’re welcome, I guess.”
“Aren’t you surprised? The whole-bigger on the inside thing?”
“Firstly, I think I’m the kind who’d just run back out, then run back in and scream in your face that it’s ‘Smaller on the outside’, not ‘Bigger on the inside’. And second……”

“What?” Jack questioned, still giddy with happiness.

“JK Rowling beat you to it!” Alex said, smirking.

“And… Why’d you think I risked 20 quid?” Jack pressed, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Why?” He asked slowly.

“I think he saw the Harry Potter merchandise all over my bedroom” Alex answered for him.

“You’re a slytherin?” Jack asked.

“Yes! You?”
“Me too!”
“Wow! Exclaimed Alex.

“I know right?!” Jack exclaimed back.

“What are you on about?”
“What house are you in?” They both asked The Doctor.

“Anyways…..You’re a Harry Potter fan? That’s why you weren’t surprised?”

“Good old JK…I should never have let her see the TARDIS. One time!” mumbled The Doctor.

Alex’s POV

“Sorry?” I and Jack asked. I was starting to like these two.

“Nothing, nothing. So! Basically, an explosion happened, no one was hurt, it was pretty small, small but deadly, for you at least. Anyway, you were injured, we saw the explosion, we took you home, and a friend of mine helped you. Really nice of her, seeing what happened the last time we met.”

“What happened the last time you met?” Jack asked.

“I accidently ALMOST blew up her computer…. And her phone… And her room.” The Doctor replied sheepishly. Alex however was just staring at the man.

“Whoa.” He said.
“Yeah. So, you woke up the next morning, or today, as you might say…Well, not the next morning for us, well… There are no nights in TARDIS so it’s hard to say… Well, we did wait for somewhat 8 hours… Anyway! Does that clear it up, any questions?” Brown Trench coat rambled.

“……. What?”

“You asked us how come you were in your bedroom, so I told you.”
“Oh! Right… Right… Thanks.”

What is up with this man?

Alright! Finally done. Hope you all enjoyed. Vote, comment and share this story as you please!!!

8th January, 2020

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