16/"What's The Plan Of Action?"

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Sebastian took out a big roll of paper from his backpack- which the others just noticed was there- and spread it on the desk nearby.
The others took a peek at what it was. The map of London.
Bas took out three different coloured markers of the bag as well. He gave a black one to Jack, and a red one to The Doctor. He kept a blue one to himself, and Alex stood on the sidelines, still sipping her coffee peacefully.

"Right, so..... This is where," Bass started marking the locations of the attacks, "our victims dissapeared from. These all happened all around London. So I think it's safe to say our enemy is spread somewhat evenly around the city."

"Where are we thinkjng they came from?" Asked Alex. Jack suddenly stood straighter.

"Well, you said the enemy is evenly spread out in the city, right? Maybe that's because they came in near the centre," Jack uncapped his marker and circled two words near the centre of the page, and wrote something on the map, "then spread out in all directions." He capped his marker and put it down on the table. The gang leaned in, near the map, to read what Jack had marked.

" <<Tralfagar Square>> as <<origin>> ..... Good one, Jack." Alex complimented his friend. He smiled back at her.

"Alright, so now we know where they got from! We have the entry point, all we have to do is push them back, right?" Bas asked, hope evident in his voice. He really wanted this drama to wrap up.

"Erm..... Not.... Really? I'm sorry, Sebastian, but it's just not that simple, or easy. We can't exactly just push them in and close the gate, can we? I mean, we touch them, we're lost in time.... Maybe forever." Alex replied, a little sorry for him.

Sebastian and Jack nodded along understandingly, and turned their head towards the doctor. He rolled his eyes.
"T-A-R-D-I-S! TIME and Relative Dimensions In SPACE! Wherever they displace you guys, till the time it's not in Manhattan, we can get you! For Manhattan, we have a Vortex Manipulator." He finished smugly.

Sebastian shushed him, exasperated with The Doctor's ramblings.

"How did they get here anyway?" Alex invoked, annoyed. She was so done with this nonsense, she just wanted to go home instead of worry about saving London.

'You don't other people to be hurt, or lose someone they love, too, do you now?' a voice said to her. She sighed as she realised that she indeed, didn't want others to get hurt.

"I actually have a theory!" The Doctor got ready to ramble again, but Sebastian was not having it. He cut the older man off before he could spit out whatever bullshit theory he had.

"So, we know that many statues around London have cracks, right? I always assumed that no-one bothered to fix them but it could be something else entirely.
The attacks started recently, so the angels must've arrived not long ago. They have hardly attacked enough to get proper healing amount of time energy." he finished.

The Doctor looked at him in admiration. Bas had said exactly what The Doctor was going to say. Maybe the theory wasn't so bullshit after all, huh?

"They crashed, had big cracks in then and couldn't heal... Maybe something pulled them in, they had a big crash, and they still haven't healed so.... They were pulled in by something..... But what?" Jack questioned. to the group, or himself, we may never know.

"I know what... I remember someone, a friend being stranded near here..... Long ago, when humans weren't even on earth... She came to relax, but her TARDIS... It crashed. I was sent to rescue her. The TARDIS had to be left behind, it was way too dangerous to pick the pieces up.The remains of TARDIS must have pulled them in by accident. They saw a huge food supply, they were starving at home, so they decided to stay here." The Doctor supplied. his answer left a solemn atmosphere in the air.

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