{MHA} What I Need

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The next morning couldn't come soon enough, but when it did, it felt oddly similar to the one prior. Even though it was Saturday, it felt like a dread to get out of bed, most likely due to the lack of sleep Hailey experienced through the night.

Whenever able to, Hailey dissociated herself from interacting with anyone and was quick to lock herself in her dorm room when school hours came to an end yesterday. Although her classmates did their best in efforts to reach out to her, they gave her space, realizing that if they pushed too hard, she would be harder to reach. Midoriya though, was the most bothered, since it was what he blurted comment that seemed to push her away.

Now, here she laid in her bed, staring at her ceiling and cursing how hungry she was. Admittedly enough, being hungry seems to be an acceptation when it comes to wanting to stay in bed, especially when she had hardly ate at all yesterday. Sitting up in her bed, Hailey noticed the lack of sunlight from outside shining into her bedroom.

'What time even is it?' Hailey thought, groggily, reaching for her phone and turned it on.

1:27 am.

'Well, I guess I could go down and grab something to eat and not have to deal with anyone. Even Mr Aizawa should be out after a week like this.' Hailey sighed and decided that she would get up.

As quietly as she could, Hailey cautiously tiptoed down to the kitchen.

There was a feeling of relief that no one was there, but a bit of uneasiness due to the dark room.

Searching through the pantry, Hailey grabbed a few granola bars and decided that she was also thirsty. So, she set the snack on the island countertop and grabbed an empty glass to fill it with water.

She sighed as she watched the glass slowly fill with water from the tap. It was a weird feeling, sneaking around like she was, but Hailey didn't know what else to do.

After feeling content with the amount of water she had, Hailey raised the cup to her lips and took a sip. When she finished and lowered the cup, she turned back to the countertop.

"You know," Hailey flinched and almost jumped at the sudden voice, almost dropping her water in the process. "Mr Aizawa isn't going to be too impressed that you're awake."

Hailey turned to see Bakugou leaning on the wall by the fridge before making it to the island countertop.

"Mr Aizawa's probably snoozing, so I think we're in the clear." Hailey responded and turned to talk to him, "Surprised to see you awake and functioning at this hour."

"Yeah, well, I needed a drink." Bakugou grumbled, turning away from Hailey, his hands shoved into his sweatpant pockets. "Why are you up?"

Hailey looked down at her cup of water, "Same and just... couldn't sleep.. really hard to when I'm over thinking shit and my brain becomes hyperactive." She then tiredly lifted her arm in a false and tired sense of enthusiasm, "Yay anxiety."

Bakugou gave his classmate a look of concern.

"Telling you to stop worrying about shit won't help, I'm guessing?" Bakugou inquired.

Hailey shook her head, "Not that easy, even though I wish it was."

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"Random thought, but.. would I.. make a good villain?" Hailey blurted, causing Bakugou to look at her in a stunned expression.

"Is this about what that fucking idiot, Deku, said?" He grumbled.

She immediately regretted it and tried to brush it off. "I-I mean- you know forget I said that, I'm just running on tired fumes." Hailey said quickly and was starting to leave before Bakugou grabbed her arm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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