{My Hero Acadamia} The Aftermath

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Am I... dead?

Oh no-no-no! No I can't be dead! We escaped.. Right? We were flying... Kiri... Ten.. Izu

Bakugou! He-he protected me..

I thought that when you die your brain stops functioning... all I see is black.. I'm not imagining anything..

Is this it?

Is this all that's left? God, what even was my life?

Was it all real?

Was everything worth the while?

Am I just going to be gone?

.. empty?

I don't want to...

I don't want to be alone!-

"Hailey! Hailey!" A voice cried, and Hailey's eyes shot open and she gasped for her breath.

"Thank god.. BP's dropping again, Doctor." Another voice sighed in relief.

When she finally realized what was happening, Hailey saw a female doctor pressing her fingers against Hailey's pale neck and looked back to the heart monitor.

"Wh... where am I? What happened?" Hailey panted in a hoarse voice.

A male nurse wrote something things down and looked to the doctor. The doctor leaned down and gave Hailey a warm smile.

"You're in the hospital, Hailey. You were brought here after being kidnapped by the League of Villains." The doctor explained to her simply and slowly.

"The league... wait-" Hailey suddenly realized, "How's Bakugou, he didn't get hurt, right? Or my other classmates that helped rescue us?!"

The doctor shook her head, "No sweetie, they weren't hurt. Katsuki only came back with a few scratches."

"What about.. the heroes?" Hailey questioned, gulping when the nurse and doctor shared a look of hesitance.


"Shouto! Why haven't you answered the door?! Fine, I'll do it myself- Mel?" Endeavour exclaimed in shock as he opened the front door to his home to reveal his friend.

"Hello, Enji." The blonde greeted, sounding professional and poised. "May I come in?"

Endeavour allowed her inside and the two sat in the dinner room. Endeavour asked his daughter to make them some tea and they began to talk in the tense filled room.

"How are you doing?" Endeavour asked, feeling genuinely concerned for her wellbeing after the recent events.

Melodie let out a heavy sigh, "Better, I just got news that Hailey woke up.."

"Why are you here and not with her?" Endeavour queried.

The Pro Hero watched as Melodie shifted in her seat and chewed her lip.

"... I don't know if I could handle it... my mom, she passed away the other day and I just found out that my ex is in the League of Villains.. He almost killed her, Enji.. and all I could do is put trackers in her earrings and hope to God that the villains would be on vacation or doing petty crimes." Melodie professed in emotional frustration. She then ran her fingers through her hair, ".. I just don't want to see my child like that... it was hard enough to let her become a hero when it's one of the most dangerous jobs out there.."

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