{MHA} Just Managing

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Hailey woke up feeling...feeling nothing.

Almost like a numbness.

Everything she did was automatic and robotic.

It was better that way.

It wasn't until she got downstairs to see Midoriya and Bakugou cleaning that her emotions set in again.

"Shit, did I get up too early again?" She facepalmed.

"No, actually you're right on time." Midoriya answer, a nervous smile on his face.

"Right on time? Nobody else is here." Hailey pointed out in confusion.

"O-oh well-you see-" Midoriya began stammering, now Hailey knew he was hiding something.

"Aizawa said you were on house arrest for a day. You're on yard work." Bakugou informed Hailey, annoyed that Midoriya didn't get straight to the point.

Hailey sighed sadly, "I guess that's fair.." Then she shrugged, "Luckily, I'd rather do yard work than house work."

She then rushed upstairs to her dorm to see that a 'house arrest' sign was on her door.

"Jeez, didn't notice that.." Hailey noted, and began her day.


Coming back down with a pair of short overalls and a baseball cap.

"'Kay did Mr Aizawa leave any instructions or are you guys the messengers?" Hailey asked the boys, who were now dusting and sweeping.

"On the table." Bakugou answered, giving Midoriya an unimpressed look at sight of his nervousness returning.

"Thanks, Baku." Hailey nodded and shuffled over to the table to pick up the note.


For your house arrest, you've been assigned to do yard work

You'll tend to the trees, mow the grass, water plants, and wash the outside of the windows. You're allowed to do any other work you see as fit.

You'll find all of the equipment in a shed by the dorm buildings.

- Mr Aizawa

After reading the note, Hailey blew a raspberry with her lips.

"Neat." She muttered. "You'd think for house arrest, I'd be stuck in the house.."

She then shrugged and decided to not question things.

"See you guys in a bit." Hailey called to her two friends before heading out of the dorms.

"Good luck!" Midoriya called back before she left.

As Hailey stepped out of the building, she took in the breath of fresh air to enhance her mood to one of tranquility. Then she walked towards where a shed stood by the first year dorms. Sliding open the door, Hailey took a look at the gardening equipment.

'This is going to be a long day.'


It was afternoon before Hailey had finished her tasks, she was tired and covered in dirt and grass when she returned to the dorms.

"You look like shit." Bakugou remarked.

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