{My Hero Acadamia} Final Exam Pt 1

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"There's only one week left before your final exams. I assume that all of you are studying hard, as well as training. The written is only a portion, just like the practical." Mr Aizawa said as he concluded class. Everyone looked at him intensely until he left the room.

"Fuck my ass!"

Everyone snapped their heads back to Hailey, who was laying her head on the desk and groaning in dismay.


"That language is not to be used in a public and sophisticated setting!" Iida cried.

Hailey sat back up, "We did all of the same things to get into this place and now we gotta redo everything! And my talent for procrastinating will be my doom." She grumbled. Despite her placing 9th out of 21 in her midterms, Hailey was stressed out.

"Same! I haven't even taken notes this semester!" Mina laughed at her misery. She had placed 20th.

Hailey laughed as it was revealed that Mineta actually was 10th placed and Kaminari and Mina accuses him of not being one of them.

"Kaminari, Ashido, we've still got time to study! So we can all go to training camp together!" Midoriya exclaimed, trying to lift their spirits.

'The world doesn't deserve you, Midoriya.' Hailey smiled and walked up to the group. "Izu is totally right! Besides, I'm sure that as long as you put in the effort, you'll do great!"

"I too believe that we will make U.A. proud!" Iida added.

"It shouldn't be that hard if you pay attention in class." Todoroki piped in.

"Way to cut us down like that!" Kaminari sobbed.

Then Yaoyorozu offered to help them out, it made sense to accept help from her since she got the top mark on the midterms.

A lot of the class opted to join, making Yaoyorozu very excited and began to ramble off plans and preparations for her classmates to visit her house.

Hailey sweat dropped, even though she wanted to join a study group, she didn't want her classmates to think that she was stupid or slow when it came to learning. Her anxiety began to sink into her, making Hailey's smile fall into a frown.

She then began to leave for lunch, when Midoriya called out to her in the hallway.

"Sup Izu, ready for lunch?" She half smiled.

Midoriya nodded, catching up to her and walking alongside his classmate, "Yeah, but actually Hailey, I was worried about you. Even though you got in the top ten higher marks, you seem less confident in yourself."

Hailey sighed, "No fooling you, huh? Yeah, I shot myself in the foot with putting everything to the last minute. You'd think after getting into one of the most elite schools for heroes, I'd get my act together."

"I could help you study, if you want." Midoriya offered, feeling saddened by his friend's sudden depletion of self assurance.

The expression that Hailey had now quickly changed into a happy gleam. "Are you sure that you'd help me? All I struggle with is numbers and stuff! Memorizing stuff will be easier once I review everything I need."

"I can make sure that you've got everything!" Midoriya added.

Hailey grinned, "Izuku Midoriya, you must be my guardian angel! You are too precious for this world!" She exclaimed wholeheartedly, making Izuku blush and begin to stammer that it was no problem to help her.

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