Chapter 12: At The Library

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Third Person's POV:

Webby was in her room currently working on her French homework, enjoying the comfortable silence. Well, it was almost silent, Lena kept telling Webby witty puns in the middle of her French, so the room was filled with playful banter. Webby had already finished her science and english homework, this would technically be her last assignment for today, but it wasn't. Webby's phone buzzed, and she checked it.

Project: Hercules Quilligan

Violet_Sabrewing: Greetings once again, fellow group mates. Is everyone free to meet up at the library today?

GrappleGal: Yeah, I'm free, I'm just finishing up my French homework.

The_Duck_That_Has_Everything: Since I have nothing better to do, yes I shall be there.

Violet_Sabrewing: You were assigned to a group, if there is any spare time for you to work, you work. If you hadn't noticed, I care deeply about all work.

GrappleGal: Definitely.

The_Duck_That_Has_Everything: I did not need a lesson in punctuality, I'll be there in fifteen.

GrappleGal: Same, see you all there!

Violet_Sabrewing: Goodbye!


Webby knew this group would be a lot of fun to hang out with, sure Drake had his antics, but she trusted him. "I like this Violet girl, she's funny and kinda reminds me of Huey in a lot of ways." Lena said. "Same, I can tell we're all going to be great friends!" Webby exclaimed, "Now, I gotta dash!" Webby scooped up her messenger bag, and left her room. She passed the triplets room, and quickly popped in. "Hey guys, I'm off to the library to work on a project!" "Alright, see you later on tonight!" Huey looked up from his desk. "You sure you're going to the library?" Dewey asked. Webby held up her phone, "Text message proof." "She wasn't lying, Dewey." Louie stated. "Hey, I'm just going now, so bye." Webby scoffed, before turning on heel to leave. "Webby, wait-" Dewey started. "Tell it to the hand." Webby cut him off, starting down the stairs. "You better set this right, Dewford." Louie said. Dewey nodded, and followed Webby downstairs. "Webby, listen-" "Listen to what, Dewey?!" Webby screamed. Dewey was stunned, at a loss for words. "What, do you not trust me or something?!" Webby continued. "Of course I trust you!" Dewey exclaimed. "Then if you trust me, you must trust Drake then, right?" Webby questioned. Dewey hesitated, "I knew it," Webby chuckled, "I thought you believed in me, Dewey. I guess I was wrong after all these years; oh well, I'm off to the library." Webby turned to grab the door handle, Dewey grabbed her arm. "What now?!" she barked. "I don't want you to get hurt." Dewey said. "Dewey, I told you already, I can take care of myself. WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?!" she practically screamed at him. "LOSING YOU!!! WEBBIGAIL MARIE VANDERQUACK I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!" Dewey poured out his confession to a very tense, yet very red Webby. "We've been best friends for a very long time now, but I want you to know how much I value our friendship. I don't ever want to lose it or you. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true, Webby. As I grew older with you, I started to fall for you, I never would have admitted, but here we are-" Dewey was cut off by Webby kissing him. "WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!" Lena exclaimed. Dewey was shocked at first, but eventually melted into it. They held each other tight, as if it was their last time seeing the other. "I love you too, Dewey! Took you long enough!" Webby laughed. "Heyyy," Dewey playfully nudged her. Someone cleared their throat, and the two ducks stood there frozen and red. "G-Granny..." "M-Mrs. Beakley..." Beakley raised an eyebrow, "Granny, I can explain," Webby started "I was going to come find you to tell you I'm going off to the library to work on a group project, then Dewey followed me, then we fought, and we eventually ended up kissing... haha..." "Haha..." they both laughed weakly. Beakley raised her hand, and they were silenced, both dreading their punishment. "I am completely ok with your relationship," Beakley smiled, "But mark my words Dewford, if you break Webby's heart, over my dead body, I will stuff and mount you on a wall." Dewey felt the sweat beads pouring down his face, but nodded the show Beakley he understood. "Oh my Selene, what is with all the Feathers references?" Lena asked. "Ok, I'm off to the library, bye Dewey, bye Granny!" Webby exclaimed. "Bye, Webby!" Dewey said, kissing her cheek. She giggled, "Goodbye, Webby!" Beakley smiled. She left the mansion, and made her way down to the gates. Once they let her through, she started down the sidewalk to the library. Once she got there, she saw Violet and Drake sitting at a table. "You made it, now we can start, I already took the liberty and took most of the books from the biography section, and Drake got one from the history section." Violet explained. "Great, now we can start annotating!" Webby exclaimed, "Sorry I'm late, I got held back for a while..." "It is quite alright." Violet said. "I'm going to find more books on Quilligan." Drake offered, "Be back soon." He got up from his chair, and disappeared into the shelves of books. Webby set her messenger bag on the ground, and sat next to Violet. They started annotating notes in a comfortable silence. "Hey Violet, do you wanna come to my slumber party I'm hosting this weekend?" Webby asked. "Sure, I have no plans this weekend, besides the project, but I'm fine with it." They went back to taking notes, when Violet asked Webby a question. "You don't have any infatuation towards Drake, do you?" "No, of course not, just friends, Vi." "But he does towards you..." Violet stated. "I believe he's trying to understand friendship, I believe this is the first time anyone gave him a second chance." Webby explained. "Anyway, while I was looking for information on Quilligan, I found something interesting in the magic section," Webby raised an eyebrow, "I couldn't help myself, silly! My dream is to acquire as much knowledge as I can, anyway I found something that could apply to you and your supernatural friend-" "Lena." Webby said. "Lena." Violet pushed the book over to her, pointed to the quote, Webby read it.

"Only when an act of great courage

is performed will you finally

be set free."

"Oh, that's deep, but what act of great courage is it referring to?" Webby asked. "The book may be vague, but it could possibly mean-" "Here you go, ladies!" Drake brought a book titled Scottish History. Violet facepalmed, "Quilligan is not Scottish, he is Irish!" "My apologies, ladies. I shall go search, again." He turned to get up, "Hey Drake, want some help?" Webby asked. "That would be nice." he said, and disappeared once again. "You don't mind, do you Violet?" "No, of course not, by the way, you do have a lot of notes." Violet noticed. Webby smiled, and followed Drake to the back. They both searched the history section, aiming for specific titles. Webby grabbed the Duckburg Revolution and Irish History. "Say Webby, I've been curious about your bracelet..." Drake started. "Oh, what about it?" Webby asked nervously. "Ever since Violet mentioned it, I thought about it more and more, did someone else have a connection on the other end?" "Tell him nothing!" Lena yelled. "Don't worry, Lena. I got this." Webby said. "A friend of mine, she's probably busy doing something at the moment." "Ah, I see, friendship can be a powerful thing." Drake said, "I'm going to go look over here, why don't you check those shelves over there?" "Sure!" Webby said. The duo went back searching for books, and later rejoined Violet to continue annotating. The group managed to gather all the information they needed before they started packing up for the night. They exited the library, and gathered out front. "Alright comrades, that was an efficient day, I cannot wait for more progress to come." Violet announced. "Same, it's almost my curfew, so I'm gonna head out, bye guys!" said Webby, departing. "Goodbye you two!" said Violet, going the opposite of her. "Cherio!" said Drake. As the two birds were far enough, Drake finally walked home in the luminescent moonlight. "They have what they need, and I have what I need."

Wow, another chapter! This chapter is a little shorter than usual, but it gives us a little more insight to what the characters are up to. Violet has discovered a secret to save Lena, Dewey has finally declared his love to Webby, and Drake is up to something as well. Stay tuned to find out more, signing off for now...

~Starlight Story

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