Chapter 10: Advice & Dreams

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Huey's POV:

Webby finally made it home to the mansion, driving safely this time. Note to self: Do not provoke her over anything of a sensitive topic while she has our lives in the palm of her hand. She pulled the car to a stop, and we climbed out of it, grabbing our things in the process. "Thank you for not killing us, dear Webbigail." Louie charmed, as usual. She laughed, "Of course not, y'know I would never actually kill you guys, right?" "We know, Webby." I said. "Let's go in, I'm ready to take that nap." Louie yawned. All four of us walked up to the oak wood doors, I unlocked them, and Louie pushed them open. "Peace out guys, it's siesta time!" Louie stated, then headed up the stairs. Dewey followed him close behind, then called back to me. "Yo Hue, you coming, bro?" "Yes, I'm coming! Give me a few minutes." "Sure thing!" he said, before disappearing upstairs. I let out a collective sigh, then turned to Webby. She looked like she was going to say something only to be interrupted by her grandma. "Better go see what she wants." she said, before leaving to go to the living room. I just stood in silence in the foyer, pondering to myself. "So Webby, Dewey, and Lilly all trust Drake, but Louie, Kendra, and I are against him. I still don't trust him, but how can I make them see?" I sighed, "The time will come, either in a good way, or a bad way. Let's just pray for the best." I decided to go see Uncle Donald, maybe he'll have some advice. I went out the back door and stepped out onto the lawn. It was nice and warm out, not bitterly cold since that's how fall in Duckburg usually is. I walked over to the pool, and stepped onto the platform of the houseboat. "Uncle Donald?" I called. There was no response, just the sound of water splashing against the boat. "Uncle Donald?" I called out again. "Huey, lad! We're ova' here!" a voice called. I went around to the boat's patio area to find both uncles sitting down together to enjoy a cup of tea. "Hello, Huey!" a cheerful Donald greeted. "'Ello lad, how 'as your day?" Hello, Uncle Donald, Uncle Scrooge. My day was great, how was yours?" "Good, just a few business matters to tend to, but overall, a successful day." Scrooge said. "My day was also great, just scrubbed down the house boat, and kept Launchpad from nearly setting the engine on fire, couldn't get that old thing to work ever since Dewey hijacked it seven years ago!" Donald exclaimed. Scrooge laughed "Well, if 'adn't done that lad, we wouldn't be 'ere we are now. We would still be in a long distant silent feud, but now 'hat's behind us and the present's in front of us. All thanks to my family." I laughed, it makes me smile on how much Uncle Scrooge and Uncle Donald have grown closer together after all the years we've been here, he's grown into a better person. Relationship wise and financial wise, meaning he's starting to help the other people around him, such as local charities and other projects to improve Duckburg. Ah, I just love character development, don't you? Scrooge took another look at me, in a skeptical way this time. "Something wrong, lad?" he asked. Ah, that way of knowing someway beyond what others perceive. "Um, actually yes," I started "Drake has transferred to Duckburg High." Scrooge sighed "Yes, I've heard. Isn't that the same duck who held Louie hostage seven years ago?" "Indeed, Uncle Scrooge." "Who is this, Drake?" Donald asked, rolling up his sleeve. "Now, now, now, Donald, we do not want to overreact over this situation." Scrooge spoke, settling him down. "If I would've known what had happened, he wouldn't have seen the last light of day..." "I can believe that." I muttered. "Anyway, out of nowhere, he decided to talk to Webby, says he wants to make amends with us. She believes he's changed, so does Dewey and Lilly. Technically, he confronted all of us first, but that's not the point." "First of all, who's Lilly?" Scrooge asked. "Kendra and Lilly? They're new friends we've made." I explained. "Ah see... Now, you're saying he only wants to make amends now?" "Yes, isn't strange? Why is he only starting now? Why did he only go confront Webby?" I was continuing to rant, but Scrooge cut me off. "Because he knew she was the only one who would listen. Ah've known Webbigail for as long as Ah can remember, and Ah know she can be cold when it comes to old foes, but she's also willin' to listen to what they have to say." "Unlike you boys who would give him the time of day." Donald chuckled. Scrooge glared at him "What?! I'm just being realistic!" Donald countered, putting his hands up in defense. Scrooge sighed, then turned to face me, "I still don't trust him, it's a strange feeling, but I can't it exactly pinpoint what it is." "It's your intuition, lad." Scrooge explained. "Your mother had it, and so do you. I knew it would start happening one of these days." said Donald. "Never lose sight of what you think is wrong, and remember. If you want to know what someone's like, take a good look on how they treat their inferiors, not their equals." (A/N: Ahh, I love Sirius Black.) I nodded, then turned to leave the boat, then realized something. "I see you're enjoying those fantasy novels I gave you." I smiled. "Of course, all about magic, prophecies, light, dark, and the undeniable power of friendship." Scrooge said. "I never thought a young duck with a lightning bolt scar would save the universe." Donald admitted. I waved bye to my uncles, as I set off back to the mansion, barely hearing Scrooge's last words. "Ah'm going to miss those kids..." I entered through the back door and set off up the staircase. As I entered my room, I saw Louie on the top bunk taking a nap, and Dewey doing his homework, surprisingly, he said he wanted to take a nap. "Done with my signatures, now time to get the adult signatures." he said, leaving the room. "Right, now I have to start syllabus signing." I said, sitting down at my desk to start signing. Fifteen minutes later, Louie woke up, I reminded him that he still had signatures to retrieve. He gave me a bored look and sat at his desk, signing slowly because he was still slightly exhausted. I signed all of mine under ten minutes, then took them back to have Uncle Donald sign them. After I finally got everything signed, I climbed into my bed, pulled out my book I started, Six Of Quails. Dewey came back into our room, satisfied he finished his work, walked over to the bean bag chairs, picked up his ukelele, and began to strum it. "Don't you have to play that for your final project?" Louie asked. "Yes, but I love this instrument, playing it makes me happy." he said, strumming enthusiastically. "I see..." Louie got up from his desk, and went to get the adults to sign his syllabuses. Soon after, Webby came bounding into our room, slamming the door open in the process, causing me to flinch. "Can you not do that?" I asked, fumbling with the pages. "Sorry... I finished my syllabuses, now I'm bored." "Hey Webbs, wanna jam out on the meaning of life?" Dewey asked, patting the chair next to him. "Of course!!" she squealed, running over to join him. She pulled her ukelele out from behind a bookshelf, "I forgot I left this here," she said. "Are you ready?" he asked. "Definitely!" she responded. They started an 'island strum' pattern, and I had to admit, they look really cute together when they're in sync. "You guys know you're are meant to be together, right?" I said, carelessly. Both of their eyes widened, which threw them off beat. Webby scoffed, "O-of course not, Huey!" I noticed a stutter in her voice, but I held back my thoughts. "Y-yeah, we're just friends." Dewey countered, as he blushed deeply. "Best friends to be precise!" Webby added. Dewey smiled at her, "If you say so..." I said reluctantly, turning my attention back to my book. "Now shush, playing an E chord on the uke takes practice." she said. After a few more minutes passed, Louie entered the room, smiling at what he saw before him. "Ah, what do we have here? A nerd, two lovebirds, and me, who's going to watch Ottoman Empire," he said, starting to climb up the ladder. For the next thirty minutes, it was tranquil. I was continuing to read Six Of Quails, Louie was tuned out to Ottoman Empire, and Dewey and Webby provided an island like feel to the area. I was wrong, outside I heard Uncle Donald trying to fix the engine, again... Then it blew up in his face and he went out on an anger tangent, as usual... After a while, I occasionally looked over the rim of my book to check on Dewey and Webby, yet I have been blessed with a gorgeous sight. Yes I ship them, I'm just not as over reactant as Louie when he sees a ship sail. Webby had her head on Dewey's shoulder, her ukelele still in her lap. Dewey looked up from strumming, but I looked down at my book once more, trying not to laugh. "This is beautiful!" I cried. Unfortunately for Dewey, I could hear camera shutters coming from the top bunk. I sighed as Dewey, who was trying not to wake Webby, went into a silent rage. "LLEWELLYN, DELETE THOSE PHOTOS, OR I'LL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP...!!!" All that could be heard was silent giggling, and Dewey's silent rage. Webby shuffled in her sleep very quietly, Dewey held his breath. When she stopped, he let out a sigh of relief, and continued to strum his ukelele. Soon it was time for dinner, Dewey gently woke Webby up, and helped her stand up. All four of us left the room, and headed downstairs where Uncle Scrooge, Uncle Donald, Mrs. Beakley, and Launchpad were all waiting for us. Before we walked to the kitchen, Duckworth appeared through the floor, sending a chill down our spines. "Good evening, children. How was your day?" he said, floating upward. "I hate it when he does that." "Good." I laughed, trying to shake off my startlement. "And we're not children anymore!" Louie yelled. "You'll always be children to me, no matter what!" he said, immersing through the ceiling. We entered the dining room, and sat down to eat the soup Mrs. Beakley prepared. Dinner went by smoothly (so far), Launchpad asked how our day went. We all mutually agreed that our day was great, then Louie mentioned how Drake transferred to Duckburg High. "Apparently the most treacherous girl at school used to date him." Webby remarked. "Josephine, I recall?" Beakley asked, sipping her tea. "Definitely her, but it wasn't all bad," I said. "We did make two new friends, Kendra and Lilly." Dewey stated. "Wasn't Kendra the one who started a fight on the first day?" Beakley asked. We all cringed after Beakley said 'fight.' "Hold up now, who started a fight?" Scrooge asked. "She didn't want to fight on purpose, she just did it to defend her friend." Webby explained. "Kendra would never do anything stupid, trust me." "She sounds like a bad influence..." Donald muttered. "The only one who is a bad influence is Drake, I don't trust anyone who's a two faced liar." Louie said. "Same." I agreed, "Uncle Scrooge, do you know why he transferred?" "Not really sure, lad. All Ah've heard is that 'something went down.' Not really sure what though..." he replied. "Of course!" I thought. "Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Beakley!" I said, yawning. "I'm going to head back upstairs." "Same," said Dewey "Thank you!" "Also me," said Louie "Thank you!" My brothers and I exited the dining room, waited by the door for Webby. "Dinner was great as usual, Granny! Thank you!" she smiled. Beakley chuckled, "You're welcome, Webby." Webby skipped over to join us, then we left the dining room, Mrs. Beakley gave us a skeptical glare, then turned back to her soup. We stayed close by the door to eavesdrop on them. "They're growing up so fast!" Launchpad cried. "I know! My heart can't take it!" Donald wailed alongside him. "Honestly, now..." Mrs. Beakley groaned. "Mr. McDuck, shouldn't take a further investigation of this Drake?" "No Betina, we can't search anyone without proof, we'll find out more deep into the year..." "Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to eavesdrop on others?" Duckworth mentioned. "DUCKWORTH!!!" we whisper-shouted in unison. "What?" he said, smirking as he flew through the ceiling. "I hate it when he does that." Webby grunted. "Race ya!" she dashed up the stairwell, with Dewey close behind her. Louie and I followed them up the stairs, but it was clear who won. "That was fun. I'm going to take a shower, then hit the hay, night guys!" "Night, Webby!" we said in unison. We entered our bedroom, Dewey called the shower first, I sat back at my desk and wrote some notes in the SWG (Senior Woodchuck Guidebook). Ever since I graduated from a Junior Woodchuck seven years ago, I became a counselor for the camp, and now I take notes for all the activities and the things I learn from being a counselor. After Dewey got out, I went next because know Louie likes to take seven hour bubble baths, and I do not have time to be dozing off in class tomorrow. I finished my shower in under ten minutes, now Louie has the bathroom all to himself. I slipped on my signature red pjs, set my alarm, crawled into bed, and proceeded to sleep.


I heard this weird ringing noise in my ear. I groaned and cracked my eyes open just the slightest. It was dark, not pitch black, but dark enough to where you could still make out silhouettes. I lifted my head off the ground and checked my surroundings. "Where am I?" I wondered. I hoisted myself up by holding on to a banister. I looked around, then realized there was a weird liquid on my face. "Blood..?" I gasped. I walked around in the dark looking for anything that might help me. I found a flashlight, I quickly turned it on, and kept exploring the corridor. I came to a halt as I noticed a duck in green lying on the floor. "Louie?" I called, walking over to him. "H-Huey?" he responded. "I'm here little bro, what happened?" "No time, stop him!" he cried, before he was zapped with a beam, and vaporized into multiple particles. "LOUIE!!" I screamed. The fowl behind me chuckled "What did you do to him?" I growled. "I taught him a lesson on what happens when others get in my way. Now you will watch your friends suffer!" He snapped his fingers to reveal Dewey, Kendra, and Lilly. "HUEY!!!" they shouted. "GUYS!! WHERE'S WEBBY?" I asked. They didn't say anything, the mysterious duck answered for them, Dewey bent his head towards the ground. "While you were knocked out, I did the favor and vaporized her." he said, showing the shredded bow for proof. "No..." I spoke, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. He laughed maliciously "You're a psychopath!!" "And you're a nerd." he said, firing another beam at my them. They screamed in agony as I watched in horror, but I couldn't do anything at all, just watch... Their particles floated off to who knows where, the demented duck turned to face me. "Your turn..." All I remember is the purple flare, and a familiar amulet.


I woke up with a gasp, looking around my room in panic. I sighed, thank Selene it was just a dream, or a foreshadowing? I stepped out of my bed, careful not to wake my brothers. Both of them are pretty heavy sleepers, so I don't have to worry too much. I looked at my phone, blinded by its light, but managed to make out 2:30. "I'll never fall asleep now, she might kill me for this... I have to tell someone." I decided to email Kendra.


SeniorWoodchuck: Hey, can we talk? Even though it's 2:30 in the morning.

I tried to lay back down to get some sleep, hoping she would pick up. "Oh, what's the point?" I suddenly heard my phone ding again.

MythicScarfs: Huey, can it wait till morning? I neeed sleep!!

SeniorWoodchuck: Fine, let's talk, 6:10 AM.

MythicScarfs: Ok then, peace out!


I knew she was oblivious to my predicament, but needed to tell someone. I tried to fall back asleep, we'll talk tomorrow, as she promised.

Nightmares, darkness, artifacts, the supernatural? Who knows what we'll discover in the next chapters. Here's a question, which person was Huey referring to in his nightmare? Stay tuned to find out, signing off for now...

~Starlight Story

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