Chapter 4: The Brawl

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Louie's POV:

Finally, that last class was sooooo boring, now that I think about it all my previous classes I've been to are unquestionably, undeniably, boring.... I've always felt the way, ever since freshman year. In my arrogant opinion, the only class worth taking is art. I can just be myself there and people won't be silently judging me. Then someday people will finally see me for who I am, and not the 'third triplet.' My dream is become an animator, and create content people want to see, and that's where the money starts rollin' in. Oh well, I'd better make my way down to the cafeteria, seniors have first lunch by the way. I made my way down the crowded staircase when suddenly an arm pulled me into the abyss of students. "Dude, what the heck?!" I asked, stunned. I looked up and saw Dewey looking down at me "Bro, do not scare me like that..." He just laughed "Gotcha." I rolled my eyes at him. We finally made it to the cafeteria and set our stuff down on a random table then we got in line. "Geez... it's so freakin' long. Then again, it's always this long on pasta day..." "HEY GUYS!!" said a friendly voice. I jumped in surprise "Sweet mother of ducklings, Kendra! I've already been traumatized enough..." Huey, Webby, and Lilly were the last ones to arrive "Greetings fellow acquaintances, how was your day?" Huey asked. "Dude, stop. You sound fake." I responded.

Huey's POV:

I simply rolled my eyes at Louie's retort, then I noticed Webby and Lilly were both quiet, this was unusual because Webby would usually have something to talk about, like how her classes went or the latest mystery series. Literally, anything but being silent. Lilly is mainly quiet, according to Kendra, but something is not right. "Hey Webby, are you ok?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine..." she said. Yeah, something is wrong, she won't look me directly in the eyes, which indicates she's hiding something. "Is Lilly ok?" "Yeah, she's fine..." Kendra noticed what was going on and came over. "No worries, Huey. I got this..." I led Webby away from the pair, then asked her again "Webby, are you sure you're ok?" "Seriously Huey, I'm fine... I'm just worried for Lilly's sake, she's too pure to survive in such a cruel world." We finally made it to the front of the line, got our pasta, and made our way back to our table.

Third Person's POV:

The cafeteria, the place where everyone is judged based on social standing a.k.a. stereotypes. There were the jocks, the nerds, the emos, the outcasts, the athletes, the rebels, the hippies, the mediocres, the rich, and the very cliché mean girl posse. The six ducks sat in the mediocre section, of course they didn't think they were mediocre. Kendra and Lilly recently just joined them, but Huey, Dewey, Louie, & Webby have been sitting there since freshman year. They would've sat in the outcast section if it wasn't for that awkward locker meeting, but hey friendship can happen anywhere.


At the beginning of freshman year, Huey, Dewey, and Louie were originally invited to sit at the rich kids table, because everybody knew Scrooge McDuck was their uncle. They all sat down with them, then Webby, being her innocent freshman self, came to join the triplets. The other kids at the table refused to let Webby sit with them because her grandma was Scrooge's house maid, and that there was no place for her insignificant self. "You're an outcast, you have no place here!" Webby was on the verge of tears, Dewey didn't want to see his best friend cry, it saddened him. "Y'know what, I don't care if I sit here or not, but no way to treat another person! Sure, keep all you're fame and fortune, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because everybody cares about what you have, not who you are as a person. C'mon guys." Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby left without another word, they ended up sitting at the mediocre table which was fine by them. Webby sniffed and wiped her eyes. Dewey put his hand on her shoulder, "Hey listen to me. They don't know what they're talking about because in my eyes, I don't see an insignificant girl, I see a smart, kind, funny, courageous, heck even bad__ girl." Webby laughed "You think?" Dewey laughed "I know." She threw her arms around him, and Dewey melted into her embrace. She sniffed "Thank you..." "Anytime, Webby." Without knowing it, Louie snapped a photo of this moment and chuckled to himself. "Heh, Debbigail..."

*End Of Flashback*

"Hello, triplets and Webbigail..." said a cold, sickening voice. It nearly startled everyone at the table. Louie almost did a spit-take but managed to regain his posture. "What do ya want, Drake?" said an annoyed Dewey. "Oh nothing, I just want to wish y'all best of luck in your senior year, and our final year..." he stated. "Um, ok..." said Huey. "Even though we may have been enemies in the past, I think it's time we start a new friendship." "A class ago you just threatened to expel Kendra in any way possible." reminded Dewey. "And I was almost confined to your mansion when we were twelve." said Louie. "That's the past old sport..." "First of all, I do not trust anyone who is trying to fake a British accent." Webby stated. "You'll see that I have changed.... Just you wait.... Just you wait... Oh, and my family is pureblood British" He turned away from them and waddled back to his squad. Kendra slammed her palm on the table "That's it..." she got up from the table, but Lilly grabbed her arm, pulling her down. "Kendra, no, it's not worth it!" Lilly begged her to stay. "I can't let her keep lowering your spirits like that, and it ends today..." she pulled away from her friend. "Kendra, this is your last strike, one more screw up and you're gone..." Lilly cried. "So what, I'm not going to let my best friend endure trauma every single day!.." and with that, she turned on her heel towards the popular section, in order to find Josephine's posse. "What was that all about?" Webby asked. Dewey turned his head away from the rest of the gang "Dew, is there something you want to tell us?" His feathers turned a slight shade of pink, "Did she just call me 'Dew', wait now that I think about it, she called me that this morning. is not the time Dewey, there's there's a crisis at hand..." "Well, Kendra's been in a fight before, if she steps out of line one last time, she'll be expelled..." Dewey explained. Lilly sighed "She told you that, didn't--" Lilly was cut off by a loud 'POW' from across the room, you couldn't really tell who went for the blow first, due to the popular section being so far. "I gotta stop them before someone really gets hurt..." Webby declared, before getting up, but Dewey grabbed her wrist. "Dewey, let go!" "No, I don't want you to get hurt!" he retaliated. Webby scoffed "Please, when have I ever gotten hurt in a brawl before? You've been on plenty of missions with me before, mainly it's me saving you!.." "Touché, but seriously Webby, be careful, that would be enough." Dewey said before letting go. "I promise, Dew." My feathers turned a slight rosy shade, as she took off to stop them before somebody died. "I'm getting overprotective boyfriend vibes..." Louie chuckled. "CAN IT, LOUIE!"

Kendra's POV:

Josy had a bruise on the right side of her face. "You'll pay for that, Valsernia!" Josy threw her fist at me, but I dodged her The other students kept chanting 'fight' around us, but a worried voice cut through the students cries like a knife "Kendra, stop! It's not worth it!" Distracted, I turned and saw Webby, beckoning me to draw from battle. Josy took advantage of this and socked me in the beak. "Dangit Kendra, you cannot let your guard down like that."  I raised my hand to my beak, and felt blood dripping from it onto my scarf. The fire inside of me was burning more brightly and viciously than ever. I started charging towards Josy, in attempts to tackle her, but Webby kept a strong grip on my waist. The lunchroom monitor marched her way over to the scene of the showdown, she pulled Josy away from me, Webby was still holding me back. "This absolutely unacceptable behavior, all three of you come with me to Dr. Mallard's office immediately!" "Wait, why Webby? She's not--" The lunch monitor gave me the death glare "Yes, ma'am..." I muttered. She escorted us out of the cafeteria, students were staring and gossiping to their friends. "This is not over, Valsernia..." Josy whispered in a demonic voice. Across the cafeteria, Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Lilly were staring at us, concern in their eyes, but it was Dewey who was worried the most.

Woo! Fourth chapter is finally up, I've been so busy lately I've barely had time to write fanfition, enjoy this for now, because I don't know when I'll be back to update. Signing off for now...

~Starlight Story

ShUiHfW, lW'v RqOb D pDwWhU Ri WlPh...

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