Chapter 2: The New Duck

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Webby's POV:

We finally made it to school, Launchpad crashing into a lampost in the progress. Also.... we just realized we forgot to put our seatbelts on after we left the mansion, causing us to hit the back of the limo's seats. Great, just great, this is how you start your morning off Ducktales style. "The simplest rule in a car and I forgot it!" Huey muttered. Louie fell on top of his elder brother "Guess you really were tired, eh..." Huey merly rolled his eyes, and I now just realized Dewey was on top of me. We were in a very awkward position. "W-Webby!" Dewey exclaimed, helping me up "I'm so sorry!" Although it was super awkward, I laughed it off "It's ok, Dew! Launchpad is always unpredictable, but I think we were all a bit tired this morning." He smiled, and scratched the back of his head. Now that I think about it, why does he look so cute up close, and his smile is just adorable... wait-- what did I just say?! Webbigail Vanderquack get your head out of the clouds. We got out of the limo, before Launchpad pulled it out of the lampost. We said our goodbyes, and entered the school building. There were students trying to find their way to their locker, their classes, or trying to avoid bullies. "Ah, it's great to back!" Huey sighed "The smell of books, new freshmen, new classes, everything!" Louie rolled his eyes at his brother's weird antics "Yea, you have fun with that. I'mma go con some freshmen out of their money..." "I'm gonna go find my locker..." I said, then dashed off. Everytime we move up a year, we get new lockers, mine probably on this floor. Found it, #1242, I quickly cracked the combination code, put my backpack in, and grabbed my books I needed for class. I also stashed my grappling hook in there too. Hey, you can never be too prepared! (A/N: Quote the Huey!) I shut my locker, and noticed curly-brown feathered duck struggling with her locker. "Hey, you need some help?" I asked. "Nope, I'm fine. Thank you." she replied "I've got this." "She's been at this for five minutes now..." the white feathered duck said "Kendra, you seriously to ask for help. You won't even let me help you!" Apparently, the brown duck's name was Kendra. "Lilly, I told you, I got this!" "Ugh, will you stop being so stubborn?" "Why don't you tell me your numbers, let me see what I can do." I suggested. Kendra hesitated for a moment "Ok, fine. 0, 24, 0." I managed to crack the code in two seconds flat. "H-how'd you do that?" "Well, you probably turned left when you were supposed to go right on the first number." I explained. "But I did turn right!" Kendra countered. "But you have to have to do it from the lock's point of view." Kendra stared at me dumfounded, I turned the lock upside and had her look at it. "Oh, I see. So you have to face it towards how you would see your left and right?" "Yep. It's kinda like fan fiction the way I see it, if that even makes sense to you." I said "Oh, I'm Webbigail Vanderquack, Webby for short, nice to meet ya!" "I'm Kendra Valsernia, and this is my best friend Lilliana Feathersmith." "I go by Lilly, how are you?" "Good." Huey and Dewey came sprinting down the hall towards us. "We would've found our lockers sooner if Huey hadn't spent ten minutes checking his schedule." Dewey muttered "Oh hey, our lockers are right here #1241 and #1230." Dewey opened his locker, and grabbed his books, he managed to fit his ukulele in there as well. "Cool, now we can all be locker neighbors!" I cheered "Oh, and these gals here are Kendra and Lilly." "Yo!" Kendra greeted. "Sup!" said Lilly. "Nice to meet you, I'm Huey Duck." "I'm Dewey Duck." "Awe, your names rhyme!" Lilly stated. "Are you two twins?" Kendra asked. "Actually, we're triplets, our other brother Louie is off doing who knows what..." Huey corrected, opening his locker. Suddenly everyone in the hallway turned their attention towards the front door. An average-height chubby, duck entered the scene. Huey, Dewey, and Webby gawked a the new duck. It... can't... be....  Louie came sliding from around a corner "Yo peeps, what did I miss?!" Kendra turned Louie's head towards the duck walking down the hall. "Oh... Doofus Drake.... we meet again..."

Oh hey, another cliffhanger! My specialty, something rotten is happening at Duckburg High, who knows what. What is Drake planning to do? Will the Duck Brothers, Webby, and their newfound friends, Kendra and Lilly be able to stop a treacherous fate? Stay tuned to find out. Chappie 3 coming soon, signing off for now...

~Starlight Story

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