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A/N: edited by  TheHardie-Boy


Chapter 2:

"We live as we dream.


~Joseph Conrad




Being grounded.

Day 1:

"Your last dream made you take treasure from the past that almost destroyed time, space, and your family now to your room! You can come out when you learn no good comes from cockamamie schemes."

Della led Louie to his room. "Mom, this isn't fair."

Della raises her voice. "Fair? Fair?! You want to know what's unfair? The fact that you almost got everyone killed, the fact that you ignored everyone's advice and lied to us about it, and expect to get away with it, without any repercussions!"

Louie stayed silent for a moment, unable to think of what he could say to possibly save him right now.

"It's not just that, you've been treating me coldly ever since I got here. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but this is the reality kid! You can accept it and make the most of it, or you can make it worse, it's your choice."

Louie sighed as she stormed off. It's not that he didn't want her here or anything, he just didn't know how to.

It didn't matter, Della was going to think whatever she wanted and that's the reality.

Louie looked out the window at them. He didn't need them, or their stupid dream vacation..

Louie hated this, with every fiber of his being he hated this.

He thought of the many times he was forced to go adventure for one reason or the other, and the one time he wants to be there, this happens.

He didn't care what Della said, he was going....

"Scheme detected!"

Or not...

hour 5

Turns out Della asked Gyro to program the DT-87 to keep him out of trouble. And after many failed attempts, Louie started running out of ideas.

That's fine. So what if the whole family deserted him here to go on his dream vacation without him...

So what if his mother hated him...

And abandoned him....


Taking a deep breath, Louie just relaxed for a little while. He'd be ok, they'd only be gone a few days right? That's not so bad. He can do this, there are other ways to pass the time other then electronics...

Well none came to mind but still...

It's not like he was truly alone..

Hour 10:

"Dinner served," DT-87 announced, passing him a tray with soup, crackers and water.

Stupid robot, Boyd was a lot more interesting. At least he had the decency to kill him first.

This is like being in prison...except in prison, there were other people to talk to.....and someone to protect you.

This is illegal right? This had to be illegal...

2. Demons (Legacy AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora