If I woke up next to you (Peterick)

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(A/N this is just a fluffy oneshot when they're a band. Enjoy :~{) )

Patrick's P.O.V

"Wake up!" I heard Joe yell right into my face.

"What?" I asked groggily. "What time is it?" I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"About half 12. But we are stopping in 20 minutes, so get your ass out of bed and get something to eat." he replied, dragging me out of my warm bed.

I complied, mostly because I was hella hungry, but I just wanted to see Pete. Ok, let me explain.

I have had a massive crush on my band mate for at least the last 12 years. I love everything about that guy; his hair, his smile, his tanned skin, those admirable hazel- chocolate eyes, the list goes on. The only problem? He's straight. As straight as a goddamn ruler. Oh and he's taken. By a woman. You see the problem here?

I shook those thoughts out of my head and continued to stumble into the main part of the bus. Pete and Andy were playing COD, whilst Joe was lounging about on Twitter. I walked in to the smol kitchen area, and grabbed a piece of toast. I munched on it as I sat down next to Joe on the 3 seater sofa.

"Hey" muttered Andy, too engrossed in the game to do much else. Pete gave me a sideways look and half smiled at me. I smiled back but he just ducked his head and looked back to the screen. I gave Joe a puzzled look, but he just shrugged in resopnse. Now that I came to think of it, Pete had been keeping his distance from me for a couple of weeks now. I tried to ask him about it, but he just shrugged and said he was over worked. I let it go, but I still wondered why he acted like that.

----~~~~<<<<(time skip to the concert)>>>>~~~~----

I sang the first verse of Bishop's Knifetrick, and from there, the show went smoothly. I noticed Pete had a huge smile on his face the whole way through, and it was the first time I saw him smile in a couple of weeks. Chuckling to myself I turned my attention back to our screaming fans.

----~~~~<<<<(time skip to after concert)>>>>~~~~----

We made our way to the taxis that would take us to the nearest hotel. Andy sat in the front, so me, Pete and Joe had to sit in the back. None of us spoke, but it was a comfortable silence.

We made it back to the hotel and got our room keys. It was the same set up as always; Joe and Andy in one double room, and then me and Pete in another. Fun(!). Well, this is gona be awkward.

I got to the room and quickly unlocked it. I threw my stuff into a corner, then went to get a shower.

When I got out of the shower, I noticed Pete had come in to our hotel room. I sent him a quick wave which he slightly blushed at. I got changed and fell asleep straight away.

Pete's P.O.V

I turned the TV off and got in to bed. I lay there for a couple of minutes before I finally fell asleep.

(a few hours later)

I shot up out of bed as soon as I heard screaming and ran to the source of it. I bolted into Patrick's room to catch him thrashing around in his bed, bedsheets tangled around his moving limbs. I stood frozen for a moment, not being able to move.

Help him then. Wentz get your ass over there and help your friend!

Oh right yes.

I ran to Patrick shaking him in a failing attempt to wake him from this dastardly slumber. I shouted his name until he eventually woke up, eyes wide and he sat bolt upright in a pool of his own sweat. He looked over at me then almost instantly started crying, clinging onto me like a baby monkey. I held him and stroked his back, in an attempt to sooth him, and calm him down.

"Shhhhh. It's okay Pattycakes, I'm here. Shhhhhhhh..." I whispered over and over again into his ear until he stopped crying.

"Cry on the couch till the poets come to life, fix me in forty five." He sang softly, and it was pure heaven to my ears. I smiled in response

"You feeling better now?" I asked. He nodded and snuggled further into my chest. I just held him until he fell asleep.

"I love you, 'Trick" I whispered into his hair and I fell asleep myself.

( the next day)

I woke up to a mouthful of Patrick's hair, and thought 'this is what happiness feels like.'

"Hey" he turned his head to look at me.

"Hey" I replied looking into his gorgeous baby blue eyes. "You have such beautiful eyes." I murmured.

"Not as beautiful as you" he answered a slight blush creeping onto his angelic face. I chuckled before getting out of the bed.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I wanna stay in bed with you!" He whined out, making grabby hands at me. I smiled and shook my head.

"We have to get back on the road in about 40 minutes." He pouted at that but I ignored it. "I'm gonna grab a shower now, do you need to use the bathroom?" He shook his head. I walked into the bathroom and just before I closed the door, I heard a faint "I love you too, Petey."

A/N the ending was a little rushed, but it went ok

Stay alive :^) |-/

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