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"Volkan!!! I want my wife back!!!" Kerem is screaming at the hall of his house.

"I know buddy but we don't want to wake everyone up. Calm..." he lifts him up a little bit making him walk straight again "...down please."

"I don't want to calm down! I want my Ayşe back! They are the reason she's not here. I can walk by myself man, there's no need for you to carry me." He says and he walks away from his friend only to almost break a vase a minute later.

"Of course you can. I don't carry you, I help you... not to lose your way to your bedroom." Volkan sighs and he curses himself for letting Kerem drink that much.

"But it's not my bedroom, not without her. She's not here." Kerem says and he starts crying. "My girl is not here pal. Her scent is not here."

"I know buddy, I know."

After five minutes of walking back and forth they finally reach their destination. Volkan slides the door open and steps in first.

"Come on, let's get you to bed. Tomorrow everything will be better."

"I highly doubt that..." he stops on his tracks again, making Volkan swear. Kerem shows him the bed and then Volkan stays still too.

"Do you see her too? I mean I know I'm very drunk and I'm probably seeing things..."

"Nope. I'm seeing what you are seeing. She's here bro."

Ayşe is sleeping peacefully with her back facing them, all cover up with the duvet. It's takes a moment for Kerem to react. But when he does Volkan doesn't manage to stop him.

"Ayşe? Ayşe!!!" Kerem says and jumps on his bed, barely without hitting her. She jumps confused and disoriented, rubbing her eyes, not sure what's happening.

"Kerem?" Her voice is sleepy, her eyes puffed but Kerem looks at her like she's the most beautiful woman in the universe.

"You're here!!!" He exclaims and snuggles on her chest.

"Yeah, I called you and you didn't answer so I texted you..." she turns to Volkan "What's wrong with him?"

"You mean besides the two bottles of whiskey he drunk?"

"Two... look at me mister!" Her voice is firm but when he looks at her she melts. His eyes are shinning and she's sure if he had a tail he would wiggle it like a lost dog who found his owner again.

"Yes my love?" She places her hand on his cheek and he bents his head to meet her palm. His eyes are never leaving hers.

"What am I going to do with you?"

He smiles "Anything you want." His voice lower, the one that wakes up the butteries in her stomach.

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