fortnight // george x alex

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the blanket fort they'd made like they used to when they were kids was probably mere seconds away from collapsing in on them and their abundance of snacks and alcohol they'd stolen from alex's dad's cabinet, but still george fidgeted. this time, alex shot him a confused glance.

"are you good?" alex asked, pausing ferris bueller's day off on his macbook.

"yeah mate, m'fine. pass the quavers."

alex picked up the almost bucket-sized bowl of crisps and attempted to pass them over himself without disrupting the fairy lights which hung precariously above the two of them. they were no blanket fort amateurs: this shit took some intense interior design. "give us an architecture degree already!" alex had exclaimed earlier, after admiring their handiwork.

the fairy lights gave a soft yellow glow to the plush blankets and pillows which were supported by alex's dining room chairs, however they proved impractical. especially now, as the wire caught onto the bowl, and came tearing down onto the two of them and resembled an extreme form of festive choking. this in turn splashed crisps all over their laps and the blanketed floor.

"alex, you fucking idiot," george laughed, scoffing a few quavers from the floor.

"not my fault you insisted on dangling these lights stupidly close to where we're sat!" alex exclaimed, untangling himself from the cable.

"they look cute though," george frowned, uplifting his hand to try and sort out the lights situation. just then, the blanket which formed the roof of the fort gave way and smothered them both.

"for fucks sake!" alex groaned, rolling out of the side of the fort to reset the blankets and pillows. his homework project loomed on the desk, taunting him evilly. that could wait until tomorrow. there were more pressing matters at hand right now, like how the fuck this bloody pink blanket was going to hold up these cushions they'd inundated it with.

george tucked the lights back into the sides of the fort where the blankets met the chairs, his stomach churning and knotting itself. he frowned to himself, thinking, whilst he picked up the last remaining quavers from the floor. he eyed up the vodka which was as yet unopened. desperate times, desperate measures, he thought, cracking open the lid and taking a gulp from it.

"if this thing falls in again i swear to god," came alex's muttering, muffled by the layers of fabric and stuffing. he snuck back into the fort and got comfy again, tugging slightly on the fairy lights to check george had made them secure. "hey! i thought we were saving the hard stuff for later?" alex said, spotting the vodka resting near george. "give us some then." he reached for the bottle.

"wait," george said quietly.


"i need to tell you something."

"don't remind me about that fucking history project we have due on monday, i'm well aware of it and i'm procrastinating as much as humanly possi—"

"it's not that, alex. it's... i'm gay."

"oh. ok," alex smiled. "i think i kinda suspected it a bit."

"what? no, i've always been straight as fuck!" george protested. "i made sure of it."

"you've been overcompensating mate," alex swigged from the bottle. "not even the straightest of straight men gets as freaked out as you when dared to drunkenly kiss their mate at a party."

"and when the fuck has that happened?" george retorted.

"couple'a weeks ago, at a house party. we were playing truth or dare and someone dared you to kiss will."

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