Chapter Twenty Five - Part One

Start from the beginning

With a huff, I head to the bathroom to change into something more comfortable. Thank God I decided to throw a pair of shorts into my purse before leaving for work this morning. Without further delay, I get supplies ready and begin to clean. My scarf continually floats over the dried blood, almost touching the dirtiness since I'm forced to scrub the floor on my hands and knees. I risk the questions as I take the scarf off. The puncture marks are nearly healed, just two little scabs that can brushed off as body acne or something.

After an hour or so of the tedious scrubbing and sweeping, I take a break. The task is taking longer than I expected and as nightfall begins to get closer, I can't help to think what Maxwell is doing. Part of me wants him to show up, but another part of me thinks it's best if he doesn't.

By making something to eat for Juliet and myself, I add cook to the ever-growing list of job titles I've been forced to become tonight. We eat chatting about how her students are going to react to seeing her broken arm when she returns to work.

"I would love to sit and relax with you, but I have dishes to do if I want to get home before midnight," I sadly admit.

Juliet might have a broken arm, but her legs work just fine. She jumps up from her seat. "What? I got to go to the bathroom. Go on, I don't need your help in there," she jokes.

"You wouldn't have something to pass the time, like some music on your phone or something." I holler as I snoop around the shelves of her entertainment center. That's when I find an old school, homemade CD labeled 'Love Mix'.

I wait until she comes out of the bathroom. I flaunt my find in face as she rounds the corner. "Where did you get this? Or should I say who gave it to you?" I ask, trying to keep the laughter out of my voice.

I actually see her blush and instantly her feet plant themselves on the floor as she straightens her body out. She stares at me, sitting stick straight. "A boy," she slowly replies.

"No shit, a boy, it's labeled 'Love Mix'. What's the boy's name and since when do people still do this?" I shake the CD in the air.

"It's sweet. He's sweet," she admits.

"And who is he exactly?"

"Nathan." She rushes at me trying to snatch the CD out of my curious hands, but I'm too fast.

"Juliet, how could you? You lectured me about having a secret boyfriend and I find out you have one of your own." I feel offended.

"He's not my boyfriend." She tries to sound serious and disgusted by my assumption, but I can see through her act.

"I've heard that before. In fact, I've said those exact words. Don't you lie to me, girly, I can see it plastered all over your face. Have you even listened to this thing? So you have a CD player somewhere or did you play it on your laptop?"

"Yes and I love every song on it." She looks at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with me. However, I don't know who's more or her.

"Well, load it up. I want to hear it." I holler as I grab her laptop.

We stare at each other waiting for it to load. It doesn't take long for the start of a familiar song to blare through the tiny speakers. A laugh rumbles in my chest. This is going to be good, I say to myself. The much loved songs turn cheesy once I think about the meaning behind them that this Nathan is sending.

I retreat to the kitchen singing along to further embarrass her, but to my surprise she embarrasses herself just enough. I catch glimpses of her dancing in the living room, singing along to every single word while I scrub dishes.

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