Chapter 11

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We were all on the bus, ready to pick up my dad.

"Okay. We're all here for the field trip." Summer said, getting on the bus.

"Where's Mr. Schneebly?" The bus driver asked, confused.

"He didn't tell you? He's at his house. We need to go pick him up. Come on. Let's go. Hurry." Summer said as the bus driver started to drive to my house.


I was in my apartment with Freddy and Lawrence waking up my dad to get him up.

"Come on." I said, shaking him but it wasn't working.

"Let me try." Freddy said, holding me back.

He hen tried kicking the bed, which eventually worked.

"Hm. What? How did you guys get in here?" Dad asked, still trying to stay awake.

"I had a spare key, Dad. Remember? And besides, the front door was open." I told him, holding up a key whole Freddy pointed to the door.

"Why aren't you guys in school?"

"We've did what you told us. We stuck it to the man." Lawrence said.

"Forget about what I told you. Look. I'm a loser. Okay? You listen to my advice, you'll end up like me with nothing." Dad mumbled.

"So, you're saying I'm nothing? Wow, Dad. Nice choice of words." I said, scoffing before leaving the apartment.

"Y/n? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Summer asked as she saw my anger.

"I'm fine. I'll wait on the bus." I told her, walking on the bus and sitting in the way back.


We were waiting for Freddy, Lawrence and Dad to walk on the bus when they suddenly come on.

Freddy made its way towards me and sat next to me.

"You okay?" Freddy asked.

"I'm fine." I said, loooking out the window.

"I know your upset about what your dad said but I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it." Freddy said as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"All I can say is... let's rock! One more thing. I wanna say, I'm sorry that I used you guys. I'm sorry I lied. And it's not cool to lie to your band..."

"Come on! We're gonna be late! There's no time for apologies! Let's go! Come on!" Summer said as we all decided to leave.


We finally made it to the Battle of the Bands and we were heading inside when someone stopped us.

"Hey! Can I help you?"

"Yeah! We're competing! We're the School Of Rock!"

"You and all these kids!?"

"Yeah! We're the band and crew!"

"You better get in here! Hurry up!"

"Ok! Come on!

We started to make our way backstage, following Dad to be in a circle.

"Gather around! Frankie, how's security?"

"We're set."

"Ok. Gordon? How about the lights?"

"The light board is up in the balcony. I'll patch it up there."

"Alright. And uh... Billy? How's he beautifications?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Okay. Listen up. You guys, we only have one song to let these guys know who we are, so I honk we should play Zack's."

"But why? I mean... Really?"

"Yes! The thing is you guys... I ain't that good. I'm not and I can admit it but you dude. You're 10 years old. You're already better than me. Your song rocks harder so let's play it! But hey, you know what? That's just one guy's opinion. It's not my band, it s our band. We all have a say."

"We haven't practiced that one pretty much. I mean, we might not win." Summer said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Hey! We didn't come here to win! We came here to play one great show and on Zack's song, you guys really rock. You know my vote. Who else is with me?" Dad said, putting his hand in the middle as everybody else follows.

"Alright. Let's pray. God of Rock. Thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are your humble servamts. Please give us the power to blow people's minds with our high voltage rock. In the name we pray, Amen."


"Now, let's get out here and melt some faces!"


"Now, go get ready."

"Alright. But you gotta sing it." Zack said to Dad.

"Are you sure? It's your song."

"Yeah. It's cool. I'm no singer."

"Okay. I'll sing it."

Then Gordon poked on Dad, making him turn towards him.

"What about the lights? All the cues are to the other song!?"

"Okay, Gordon. You're just gonna have to feel it. You're gonna have to improvise. You know this song. I know you can do it!" Dad said, shaking his shoulders.


"Go. Run like the wind!"

"Hey!" Billy said, getting Dad's attention and giving him a paper bag.

"What's this?"

"You wanted to go with uniforms. So, put it on. Quick." Billy said, walking away.


"We're the School Of Rock And this song was written by our own. Zack Mooneyham." Dad announced to the crowd as he pointed to Zack before the music starts to play.

The song starts off with Dad stringing some chords and then Zack strumming his guitar to make a deep sound.

Then lights starts to go on before Freddy starts to drum, making the beat go faster and faster.

Gordon starts to play an animated video that says School of Rock behind them as the music starts to play.

Then Dad starts to sing Zack's song.

When the chorus comes on, the backup singers start to sing thhe "Ooh la la la la" before doing some dances of their own.

Then Dad started to have his own solo until Tomika started to have her singing solo as well and it was really amazing.

I saw her parents in the audience and they looked proud.

"Now, May I please have the attention of the class?" Dad said into the mic.

"Today's assignment..."

Then Zack, Katie and everybody on stage went to the mic.


They then resumed with the chorus as everybody was surprised to hear us say that.

"This is our final exam. Now, y'all know who I am. I might not be a perfect son. But y'all be rockin' when I'm done." Dada said as Zack did his guitar solo.

All of a sudden, Dad jumps in the crowd, making everybody catch him as they brought him back to the stage.

Then the song ended, making all of us jump in joy as the band went backstage.

School Of Rock (Freddy x reader) | Dewey's Daughter ✔️Where stories live. Discover now