Chapter 9

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The next day, I finally got my cast off but the doctor thinks since it's off, I should still lay off of playing the drums.

I was sitting next to Freddy as his arm is over my shoulder and we were watching Zack play his new song on the guitar.

Just then, Dad walks up to us, noticing Zack's new song.

"Hey! Hey! Ho ha! What is that?" Dad asks Zack.

"What is what?"

"What are you playin'?"

"It's a song that he wrote." I said, making Dad's eyes go wide.

"You wrote a song?" Dad asked, making Zack nod.

"Well. Let's hear it."

"Nah. It's not that good."

"Come on. I wanna hear it, Kurt Cobain."

"Ok. But I'm not much of a singer."

"It's alright."

Zack started to play his new song.

"Baby. We were making straight A's. We were stuck in the dumb days. Don't take much to memorize your lies. Feel like I've been hypnotized." Dad then stopped Zack with a hand.

"You wrote that? You wrote that?" Zack nods 2 times.

"Ok. That's it. You guys rock and roll positions." He said, motioning some of the students that play the instruments.

"Wait. What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? We are going to be learning your new song."

"But why?"

"Because that's what bands do. Play each other's songs. You got lyrics? Hook me up." Dad asked, snapping his fingers.

"No more secret songs." He said before making his way towards us and the band.

"Alright, Lawrence? No more reading. It's time for rock. Ok, get on the drums. Bass it up. What was that first chord?" Dad asked Zack, opening the folded lyrics.

"You know what is better? If it would be rock got rhythm. Rock got no rhyme. You know? Can we try that? Also, we needs some 'Ooh la la la la's', like 'oh la la la la. Try that at the chorus, Okay? Can we take it from the chorus?" Dad said, giving everybody orders.

Soon enough, we were in our seats as Dad was in the front.

"Alright. Tomorrow's a big day. You get your rest. No late night parties, drinking tequila, and tryna get lucky. Chances like this do not get around like this every day. Now, you play hard in here, people. Come on. I am proud of every past stinkin' one of you. So let's just give this everything we got. We may fall on our faces. But if we do, we will fall with dignity. With a guitar in our hands and rock in our hearts. And you know the words of AC/DC. 'We roll tonight to the get tall might of those who are about to rock.' I salute you." Dad said, putting his hand up to his forehead in salute as we did the same.


After the bell rang, Freddy decided to walk me home and sooner or later, we were right in front of my apartment.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Freddy asked, his hand in mine.

"Yeah. I'm also glad that you will be playing, too." I told him with a smile.

"I know. I feel bad that you can't play."

"Hey. I'm fine. The doctor said that I just have to lay off for a few more days and I'll be fine before you know it." I said, stopping our tracks.

"I have to get inside. My dad and his friends might be waiting for me. I'll see you tonight?" I asked, which he nods his head.


"See you."

I was about to head inside but Freddy stopped me.

"Wait." I turned around and before you know it, he was kissing me with his hand around my waist.

"See you tonight." He said, before waving and leaving me, shaken in front of my apartment door.


I was waiting for Dad to get ready because tonight was parent/teacher night.

Dad was styling himself infront of the mirror, while Ned sits on the couch.

"What are you all styled up for?" Ned asked, checking the mail.

"Uh. I got a hot date."

"Huh. That's weird. I got a check for Horace Green Prep for $1,200. I never even worked there." Ned said, making Dad and I look at each other in panic as Ned starts to call them.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling the school. Hi, this is Ned Schneebly..." Just then, Dad hung up the phone.

"Dewey. What's going on?"

"I told them 15 times to make it out to cash!" Dad said, freaking out.


"I did something bad, Ned."


"Yeah. They called looking for a sub and I said I was you just to make it funny but then when I got there, the kids... they rock, man! There's this kid, Larry who's 'I'm not cool' then he's like 'Beh. Beh. Beh." He said, making noises with his fingers.

"Then there's this other girl who can sing like 'hm hmhm'. But then she thought she was too fat to sing so they were all down with this rare blood disease. Then the principal got drunk and now... We're playing tomorrow at Battle of the Bands! Isn't that great! It's the coolest thing that ever happened. One day. That's all I ask, Ned. And now I will come clean. I'll tell them that everything was my fault. He had nothing to do with it. You'll be fine. One day!" Dad said, giving it a whole speech when Patty came in.

"Ned! I'm home!" Patty then came in and looked between Ned and Dad in suspicion.

"Hey. What's going on?"

"Nothing. I got a hot date. That's what's going on." Dad said, shrugging his shoulders.

Dad then start to leave with me followings Dad made hand gestures to Ned to not tell her anything.

"See you later." Dad said as we walked out the door and closed it behind us.

"You do know you're screwed, right Dad? And Ned will tell Patty." I asked him, already knowing the answer.

"Yep. Now, let's go. We have to pick up Ms. Mullins before going to school." He said, ushering me to the van.

School Of Rock (Freddy x reader) | Dewey's Daughter ✔️Where stories live. Discover now