Chapter 10

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I was sitting next to Freddy in class with our parents as Dad stood in front of the room.

"Yeah. You know. Math. Uh, English. Uh... what. Science. What else? Uh... Geography. History. Latin. Spanish. French. Latin. Um... Math. Did I say that already? Anyways. You know, just all this stuff you want your kids to know, it's been covered." Dad said, trying to make things quick.

"Excuse me? Ever since you've been teaching here, all my son's been talking about is music. He says when he grows up, he want to be a musician. Is this your influence?" Zack's dad said, looking at Dad.

"Mr. Schneebly. Why has my daughter has been obsessed with David Gueffin?" Summer's mom asked.

"Yeah. And how is this... homework?" Lawrence's dad asked, holding up the CD dad gave Lawrence for homework that day.

"Okay... See? I would like to tell you about what we've been doing in here but... there's such a thing about student, teacher confidentiality. Now, I don't want to be a preacher about educational law 'cause I can be dismembered by the teacher's union." Dad said with a fake smile.

"You expect us to believe this garbage?" Zack's dad asked again, not believing what Dad was saying one bit.

"I..." Dad then looked out the door to see Patty and Ned with 2 police officers.

"Mr. S? Can't we just tell them about the project?" Tomika asked, making her mom question.

"What project?"

"Our class project. Every school in the state is competing." Lawrence said, looking at his dad.

"It's not until next quarter, but... Mr.S wanted us to get a head start." Summer said, to everybody.

"Well. What's the project, Summer?"

"It's prestigious. It will go on our permanent record, Mom." Summer said, making everybody look towards Dad.

"Okay, look. I've got to know your kids for the past few weeks and they are awesome. Zack is an insane guitarist. He's the next Henders and he's 10 yrs old. And, Gordon here, he's a genius. He did a whole professional live show on his computer in 3 days. And um... and Marta here, she can hit an A on a high C. Did you know that? That's tough. Not many singers can do that. And... Summer, is gonna be the 1st woman president of the United States of America and she can run later this year, even and I would vote for her. Look, you guys. They are all just really cool kids and if they were mine... I would be so proud. Y/n, she's mine and I am proud of her. I am proud of your kids just to even know them and uh..." Dad said, before a police officer came in.

"Sir. May I speak with you for a moment?"

"Can I just... let me say a couple more things." Dad said to the police officer.

"What's going on?"

"Apparently, That man is not Ned Schneebly."


The police officer then dragged Ned inside the class.

"This man is Ned Schneebly."

"Yeah. He's not even a teacher." Patty said, sticking her head in.

"You called the cops?" Dad asked, looking at Ned.

"She did. She got it out of me. Sorry."

"Your apologizing to him?" Patty asked Ned.


"Ned." Ms. Mullins looked at Dad before looking at Ned.

"Ned. Is this... Is this true? Who are you?"

"My name is Dewey Finn and no I'm not a licensed teacher but I have been touched by your kids and I'm pretty sure I've touched them." Dad said looking at the parents.

Just then, everybody started to freak out until Dad ran out of the classroom.


I was in bed, hearing the commotion between Dad, Ned and Patty.

"Hey! You're the one who told me to be like Ned and got a job."

"Yeah! Yeah! But I didn't tell you to be like Ned! I didn't tell you to be Ned! And you're not going to even apologize?!"

"You're the one who's supposed to apologize for calling the cops!"

Then they all start to yell at one time, making me cover my ears with my pillow.

"Everybody! Just calm down! Shut up! Shut up! Would you both just cut it out for one second?" Ned said, stopping the commotion.

"Look. I'm sorry, dude. I was desperate. You can't understand. It was easy for you to give up music but it ain't easy for me." Dad said, apologizing to Ned.

"It wasn't easy for me. I miss it."

"Well, then why did you give it up?"

"Because I couldnt keep kidding myself anymore. You can blame it all on bad luck but in the end, maybe you just weren't that good. Sometimes you just got to know when to quit."

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I suck."

"No. That's what I said..."

"Well. Music is my life, man. What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know but... I think it's time you and Y/n moved out. Sorry."


I was sitting in the back with Freddy, hoping nobody would talk to me about what happened last night.

"So, his name wasn't Mr. Schneebly?"

"No. It was like Dewey somethin'."

"Y/n. Why didn't you tell us that he was your dad?" Summer asked, making me look up.

"I don't know. I should've told you guys. Im sorry." I told the class with sympathy.

Then Marco asked a question out of the blue.

"But what about the project?"

"Wake up, Marco. There was no project."

"He just wanted us to play a show so hat he makes the money." Zack mumbled.

"I can't believe we weren't being graded for any of this." Summer said, looking down.

"What are you so bummed about? We had a 3 week vacation. Yeah, it was a waste of time but it was a lot better than school." Freddy said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"It was not a waste of time." Lawrence said to Freddy.

"Hate to break it to you, buddy but yeah it was."

"You're an idiot."

"Hey. Shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"Hey, you wanna go?" Freddy asked as he got up from his seat.

"Freddy. Don't." I told him, stopping him.

"Hey! If you touch him, I'll shove those sticks down your throat. Got it?" Tomika threatened, standing up as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Mr. S was cool. We worked too long and too hard not to be in this show."

"Ok. So what are we supposed to do?"

"I say we get out of here and play the damn show." Alicia said with a smile.

"I agree with Alicia. Who's with us?" I said, getting up from my seat.

"I am." Everybody said as I put on a smirk.

"Well, let's go get my dad and play that damn show."

School Of Rock (Freddy x reader) | Dewey's Daughter ✔️Where stories live. Discover now