Saving the Multiverse

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Savitar x Reader

Request by Mejmrlover

Y/N = Your Name
F/C/W = Favorite Cuss Word

"We have to find her!" Barry walks into the cortex, fists clenched, and shoulders tightened. His STAR Labs shirt is pulled tightly over his muscles. "Y/N!" Y/N jumps in shock at her friends' cold tone.

"Watch it, "Cisco warns. "We have been here all night looking. Y/N hasn't slept in forty plus hours." She gives Cisco a soft smile as she looks over the satellite image for the hundredth time.

"I know. I'm sorry." Barry closes his tired eyes and pulls roughly at his hair. "I just keep thinking of the things Savitar is doing to Caitlin and I want to—". Y/N looks up at the man she has begun to fall for.

"We will find her and remember she isn't Caitlin right now she is Killer Frost." "She is still Caitlin," he says bitterly. "Yes, but as Killer Frost, she is more valuable to Savitar. This works in our favor, Barry." Cisco nods in agreement.

A couple of hours later.

"Y/N," Cisco whispers soothingly causing her to stir slightly. "F/C/W!" She fumed as she removed her cheek from the desk. "Y/N, go home and get some sleep." She shakes her head, "how can I sleep when our best friend is out there?"

Cisco gives her a warm smile. "I will be here. Barry is searching. You can spare five hours." Cisco pulls you out of the chair and kisses her cheek, "go get some rest." She nods slowly as she walks out of the cortex.

Walking to her car a shiver shakes her body. Soon her hand touches the icy cold handle of her car. Wiggling it slightly she gets the ice to fall off the door enough to allow it to crack open. Her hands shake as she cranks the car and quickly turns on the heater. "Come on," she growls at her car.

Holding her breath she feels something prick the back of her neck. "Frost," Y/N whispers. "Hello, Y/N. Now be a good friend and turn down the heat." Her hands shake both in fear and at the cold as she reaches the knob. "And don't even think about using your powers," she growls causing her to gulp.

Frost reaches around Y/N to grab her phone from her pocket

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Frost reaches around Y/N to grab her phone from her pocket. "Drive."

When they reach the interstate Frost rolls down the back window and throws Y/N's phone out. She panics as she realizes the team will no longer be able to track her. "Exit here." Frost gives the instructions robotically. The only movement was the icicle pressed into the back of Y/N's neck. "Take a left. Turn left. Park in the back."

They park behind an abandoned building. "Get out!" Shivering Y/N steps out of the car. Frost gets out behind her and shoves her roughly towards the building.

Y/N stands in the abandoned building shaking to her core. She tries to hold her chin high but the cold has reached her bones. "Frost," a deep voice booms through the building, "I told you to carefully bring her to me." Savitar steps toward Killer Frost. His suit towers over her small form. "I did as I was told," Frost clenches her jaw.

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