(5) Only just begun

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Yesterday he overheard Micah and Aiden talking about Angel, saying she and Nathan were fighting. Something about Nathan being too clingy and him being way too possessive, even picking fights at the hospital with guys who accidentally bumped into or gossiped about Angel. Apparently Angel flew into a rage and lectured him in her office and shouted at him to 'get a grip!' Since that day they haven't been spending as much time together, even though Nathan regularly tries to corner her outside the room of a few of her patients.

Adriel knew that the day at the bar, he witnessed what must have been one of their many fights. And even though he slept with Natasha, he still thought about Angel all the time. He also hoped that Angel would break up with Nathan.

''Hey Adriel, ya mind dropping this off at the hospital? Angel needs a new set of clothes for tonight's fundraiser dinner, she needs them asap. Please, you'd save me from her claws.'' Aiden begs as he comes sliding into the living room.

''Sure, no big deal."

''Seriously?! Just like that? Huh, I expected a big protest of 'no I got stuff to do' or 'do it yourself buddy'. But I'm not complaining. Good luck, I hope you live.''

''Why, what's wrong?" He frowns at Aidens frantic escape of the room.

''She's in a hell of a mood. May Crinzalite be with you.'' He escapes before Adriel can press for more information.

"Jeez, what am I getting myself into?" He mutters to himself.

He's walking toward the hospital reception door, when out of nowhere he hears someone shouting. Peeking around the corner, he's amazed to spot Angel shouting into her phone. Guess he knows why Aiden didn't want to come back here. She's fuming over, radiating a deadly aura that everyone around is cringing from. When the call ends, it takes all of her not to throw the phone at the wall. He's about to approach and ask why she's radiating deadly vibes, when an intern beats him to it.

''Doctor Angela, is everything alright? Do you need anything?"

''No, all's well Max. Do you have the scans for Evelyn?"

"Yes ma'am. They came back clean.''

"As I expected...''she mumbles to herself, ''okay I'll deal with it, meanwhile I need you to check into Bennie's previous hospital records for me and find out the treatments he received, the medicine used, as well as the contact info of his doctors.''

''Yes ma'am.'' The intern, name being Max, runs in the opposite direction- eager to finish his instructions.

''If I have one more troubling patient today I might need a vacation again soon.'' Angel rubs her forehead as Adriel walks up to her.

She looks up and just about runs when she realises who it is, but then she just sighs and ushers him to follow her to her private lounge.

''I come at a bad time?"

''Ha! It's a good time, I need a break."

She collapses onto the couch, throwing her glasses onto the coffee table. She seems different dressed in her scrubs and doctors coat. Different from the girl who parties, has high defenses and acts like she can't trust anyone. Different from the mocking, snobbish girl she sometimes plays. No, this woman before him is a doctor. Tired from unending shifts and hours of work, a woman whose only concern right now are those patients she has yet to return to in a matter of minutes maybe an hour or two at best.

''What's up? You haven't come here this whole week, why now?" Her voice is slow and worn out.

''Your clothes, for that dinner tonight. Aiden said I should drop them off.''

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