(8) Motel

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Three long days pass before they decide to finally take a proper break at a motel. They book ten rooms, one three bedroom room and nine two bedroom rooms. All on ground level. Tiago, Liam and Kia in one room, Leone and Aiden in another, Vilas and Oliver, Jezz and Wesson, Delano and Zach, Robes and Wyatt, Josiah and Xian, Cameron and Micah, Carson and Juan and lastly Angel with Adriel.


''Hey Josiah?'' Xian calls out looking at Josiahs still figure.


''What do you think about their relationship?"

''Why are you asking me?"

"Well you know that Kenneth has been after Angel just as Adriel has been. They're rivals, so I'm concerned.''


"Aren't you worried that Angel will leave him?"

"Why are you?"


"Xian, if you watch them you'll realise that this isn't an ordinary love. They've been in love since they first met, they stayed in love even after she disappeared, and now they're still in love. Their love is- I doubt it has any bounds. She was willing to give up everything for him, to have their child when she is practically still a child. It's hard to describe it, but one without the other is incomplete.''

Josiah turns to look out the window, ''I know that Angels relationship with Kenneth is also really complicated, she may even become confused when she meets him again. Yet somehow I get the feeling that even if she does go to him, she'll always return to Adriel. There's no denying that they were born to love one another. We can only hope she realises that before she does anything else life changing.''

''You've thought this through...''

''No, I just said what I've known for a long time. Ever since those three were children, I've known.''

''That's what's amazing about you. You're exceptionally observant. And yet it's not an ability.''

''Go to sleep Xian.''


''Jezz, it's gone through.''

''Finally some good news.'' Jezz sighs,'' thank you Wesson.''

"Here.'' Wesson hands him a laptop and leaves the room to the bathroom.

''It's good to hear from you again Jezz. I suppose you have some good news for me?" Kenneths voice fills the two bedroom room.

''I'm glad you responded. Yes some very good news, however, also some bad.''

''... let's start with the good shall we?"

''We managed to get Angel back. She's safely made it to us, a few scratches and horrifying stories but she's safe, she's strong. She's been with us for seven weeks now. We don't know the full extent of her powers and she hasn't told us much about them, although it's easy to tell she's strong, very strong.''

''I'm glad she's back... These stories, how bad are they?"

''She was operated on... She has scars to prove it.''

''Oh Goddess. I can't believe it. But you say she's stronger now? At least.'' Kenneth sighs, ''what's the bad news?"

''Bad news is the hunters had discovered our location. If it hadn't been for Angel, we'd probably be dead right now. Or worse, new science experiments.''

''I'll send you our location when it's safe. But for now you need to keep an extra low profile, have you found your next location for housing?"

"Yes, its six days away from our last location. We're a three day drive away from there, so as soon as everyone's rested up we'll continue the drive.''

Angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें