(1) Finding Angel

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The cold air, the snow, it suffocates him. He feels it trapping him.

Minus fifteen degrees.

That's what he had heard on the radio before he left. Is this a crazy idea? He is tracking her, the only female of their kind still alive on earth. There are twenty of their kind left here in total. They had somehow managed to form a group of  chosen Crinzalites, each now being hunted because of their 'special abilities.' Scientists are making a big fuss about hunting them so that they can be used for the 'greater good'.

They used to be a prosperous people, there were hundreds of them. Unfortunately, that ended when one of their kind revealed themselves, exposing themselves to the humans. The news spread like small-town gossip and before they knew it they were being hunted and terminated.

Some of their kind fled the planet in the ships that had brought them here. So, now, there were only a few of them left.

Females were always rarest when it came to wielding power, so they aren't as threatened, but there are still females who have abilities.

They were usually made into leaders back on Crinzalite.

Ever since this massacre, there are known to be even fewer ability wielder females. Only one remains here on earth, Kristanos Angelica. She is known by everyone as Angel, a beautiful, strong, intelligent, future leader with abilities like none other. The power she has is one of a kind. The prophecies famous for their people were said to be speaking about her. They say she is their saviour,  prophesied to save their kind from the destruction and downfall that was brought upon it.

Their planet had become corrupt, evil spread through its citizens causing chaos and wars. Those still good and sane fled to earth to escape the darkness that thrived in Crinzalite. It was the elders and adults who turned first, one by one. Angels' parents, the leaders of their planet, had made it the Xilite Gaurd's duty to nurture, teach and protect her. They were instructed to shape her into a Queen. To prepare her for the day they would return home and she would save their world, bringing it peace.

They did not know that she would be separated from them, from the Xilite Royal guard. She'd been alone since arriving here. They had been tracking her and finally think they'd found her.

That's why he is here in the snow, on one of the coldest nights.

The group wait for the good news, for him to tell them he's found their last hope. 

She's younger than most of them, she was only two when she left her parents, her planet, her people. But she knows how to survive, the proof is the fact that she's lived so long without being caught and found by the Crinzalite as well as evaded the crazed scientists.

As he begins to lose feeling in his fingers, he finds a town. The first building that he sees is a bar. as he approaches, the smell of timber burning reaches his nose. Knowing he won't go on for much longer without warming himself and drinking some coffee, he heads in.

Soft music plays from the Jukebox as customers chat among one another, drinking beer whilst eating crackers and peanuts.

He heads over to the counter and slides into a stool. Not long after, a barman comes over and takes his order.

"Coming right up."

Glancing over at the nearby customers and the decorations adjourning the walls, he notices a peculiar woman sitting alone- dressed in an olive green winter jacket lined with fur. Her eyes dark green, hair jet black with a streak of silver, skin pale with a scar across her hand. She's slowly drinking a latte, looking out the window at the falling snow. When she notices his eyes on her she turns and stares back at him. Feeling guilty, he turns toward the approaching barman.

AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora