Chapter 16 - "Chat"

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"I-I would never use it like that," I continued, as he tried to figure out why I had kept that knife. Did he really think I was going to hurt people with that knife? He nodded slightly and tucked the knife into his belt.

Rick seemed to understand my predicament, even through my lame excuse of a justification. Maybe it was because I had saved his life with that knife.

We continued in silence, my head bowed in embarrassment. I focused on my steps, trying not to trip up over the long grass.

It surprised me, the difference between the way I was treated and the way Randall was treated. But then there was a huge difference between our personalities. I knew things about Randall that Rick's group didn't.

"If you're going to be allowed out of the shed from time to time, we have to be able to trust you," Rick suddenly piped up, looking in the opposite direction at the forest we were walking beside.

"What's the point? You're just going to kill us anyway, right?" I muttered, ensuring he could hear me but trying to be as discreet as I possibly could about the way I was feeling. I didn't want to anger the man, as I had learnt from Randall, and found that was the best way to get myself killed.

He didn't say anything else, as we approached the cream coloured RV. It seemed pretty practical in the circumstances, having a home that you can drive away in.

Rick quickly jumped up the small collapsible staircase to the RV, knocking the metal door lightly.

A small woman instantly swung the door open, a saddened and unattached look on her face. Her short grey hair was naturally spiked up, adding to the allure of her bright eyes. I noticed her face was particularly red, her eyes glossy with what looked to be tears.

"Carol." Rick nodded in greeting, looking uncomfortable. "Have you seen Dale?"

The woman shook her head quickly.

"No, I haven't seen him in a while," She answered. I noticed her eyes land on my face, as I don't believe she had seen me before. Or maybe it was just me who hadn't seen her. "Why?"

"Just looking for someone to watch the girl, that's all." He shrugged, not thinking to ask the fragile-looking woman.

She was about to shut the door on him, but he used his hand to stop her. The woman, Carol, seemed irritated with this.

It looked like she just wanted to be alone, and I didn't want to intrude.

"Fine." She shook her head, looking disappointed. Everyone seemed to want me gone, including myself. "I'll do it."

"I'll get someone to take her back in around 20 minutes." He seemed apologetic, his eyes peering into Carol's. "Thank you," Rick added, smiling slightly at the tired woman.

"Come on in." Carol opened the door wider, politely nodding. I waited until Rick had stepped from the staircase, before walking through the door.

The RV was messy to say the least. Blankets were strewn all over the place, and on the tiny makeshift counter was a massive pile of dirty dishes. Carol walked back to the small brown plush seat, resting her hands on the white table in front of it.

I stood awkwardly, not knowing what exactly I was meant to be doing.

I watched Rick's back as he walked away, leaving the door wide open so the breeze could flow in. I was thankful, as it kept the stuffy smell in here at bay.

The woman looked up at me, opening her mouth to say something, before closing it again.

"I was about to start washing those dishes," She hinted, her eyes looking down at my feet.

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