"You want to do what?" He says, his eyebrows furrowing, adorably.

You snatch one of your favorite button down, blue shirts that he wears and suspenders, "Here, wear these."

You shove them into his arms, "Today? Right now?"

"Yep." You say, popping the P. You snatch a pair of tan pants and throw them at him.

"Okay, then." He mutters, "You gonna hang around in here for the show? Or would you care to leave?"

You roll your eyes, playfully, "Just a minute, Smarty-trousers."

As you walk out of his room and close the door, he calls, "I get to pick your outfit out next!"

You grin as you wait outside the door for him to get dressed.

He steps out, looking as handsome as ever. He quickly does a three sixy, the shirt hugging his torso, "How do I look?"

You grin and take his hands, "Cute."

He chuckles, "Boy, don't I feel manly?"

You grin.

"Okay, now I get to pick your outfit out." He says dragging you to your room.

He peeks in your closet but closes it, not finding much hanging up. He walks over to your dresser and rifles through the drawers. He throws a shirt at you. As you inspect it, you realize it's a Hogwarts shirt. You laugh, "You want me to wear a Harry Potter shirt?"

He looks at you and grins, "You look sexy in that shirt."

You roll your eyes, as he throws a pair of jeans at you, "Thanks."

He steps over, "And one more thing." He reaches up to your head and takes out your messy bun.

"You didn't like the bun?" You ask.

"I liked it." He shrugs, "I just like it BETTER when you have your hair down."

He plants a quick kiss on your forehead and swaggers out of the room, poking his head back in before he can close the door.

You hum to yourself as you change. The black shirt hangs loose around your stomach and tightens around your shoulders. Standard boot cut jeans. He didn't do a terrible job....

You look at yourself in the mirror and grin.

You poke your head out of your bedroom door. Thomas waits, leaning against the wall. You step out and he gives you an approving nod.

He places his hands on your waist, whispering in your ear, "You're so beautiful."

You feel shivers down your spine.

Darn it! Why's he so good at being seductive?

You quickly cover up your breathlessness.

You give him a cheesy smile and then wiggle out of his grasp, "Okay, enough mushy stuff. You've got to finish packing and I need to choose bridesmaid dresses."

He sighs, biting his lip, "Yes, ma'am."

You walk into the living room. You got Juliette's opinion on pinning it down to the last six dresses. At this point you were torn between two of the more affordable ones. A strapless gray dress with some light detailing on the top or a sleevless pale pink one - plain and simple.

In the end, you choose the pale pink. You call Thomas into the living room, "Tom, come see the dresses I picked out for the bridesmaids!"

He walks in, immediately asking, "Is it time for mushy stuff yet?"

You ignore his question, "Look."

He looks at the screen, "Pretty."

"It'll make everyone look tan...." You muse.

He looks at you.

"What?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.

He raises his eyebrows, his eyes getting wide, "Seriously, is it time for mushy stuff?"



I actually have an evening off!!!!


So yesterday it snowed here! We didn't get school off but it doesn't matter because snow makes me happy! :-)

I just want to point out that we have




I've only been writing this story for a month and a half and I honestly don't thank you guys enough for everything you do to support this story!


And thank you for all the complimenting comments! It really means a lot when you say I'm a great writer because growing up, a lot of people would tell me I was a great writer, but my best friends would tell me I wasn't. My "best friends". So of course I trusted them.

This is me teaching you guys now - always tell your friends compliments. Even if you exaggerate a little because even the smallest thing can brighten someone's day.

Anyway, done with the sentiment fest.

Again, thank you!

I love you all! :-)


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