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Over a year has passed since the events of the summer of 84 where Arnold, Will, Malcolm, and Jason bonded over the arcade and their defeat of Harry and his goons in the park. Since then the four have become really good friends and they spend their time in school together and they often played together when they can, but Arnold still has his responsibilities in his fathers' shop and family. He and Will are now the best of friends and sometimes hang out as just the pair of them at each other's houses when Malcolm and Jason aren't available. Greg sometimes is a member of the group as he and Arnold have become friends over the past year and they feel sorry for him as he still gets picked on a lot by Harry's goons who still go to this school but Harry is now in high school since September. He made trouble for them before he left. There's now a sort of war going on between the two groups, mostly involving pranks whilst they are at school otherwise, they all get into trouble if violence breaks out and serve detention together as has happened once or twice in the past year. These pranks are often quite funny and the whole school enjoys them if they aren't too harmful and if they do get caught, they have to help clean them up. They do sometimes fight outside school premises and Harry gets involved with these fights, but it was rare for Harry to win as even though he was a lot bigger and stronger than them as they had joined clubs to help them get better at fighting, Will and Malcolm had joined the boxing club whilst Arnold was doing wrestling. Jason at first didn't want to join one but after seeing the Karate Kid he joined the karate club that had newly started in town and wasn't run by the school.

The gang hangs out together at their own homes during the winter months when it's often cold and wet except when they get snow then they spend their time sledding and having snowball fights. During the summer they spent it at Echo base and would go on adventures even further afield as Arnold now had a bike of his own to go with them on bike rides, he got Will's old one as he had got a new one last Christmas. They also still enjoy going to the arcade to play games there and sometimes to the pictures if their families let them see the latest flick. They were currently obsessed with finding hidden treasure like The Goonies did and are formulating a plan to find some when it's summer again.

With them being a year older they have noticed some changes in their body going on. All of them have grown taller in the past year, Greg had a huge growth spurt and is now the tallest in the class though still slightly chunky it's a lot less noticeable now. Others in class have shown changes in their body, a lot of the girls now have breasts or at least the start of them and are having to wear training bras. The boys are experiencing strange feelings about this as they develop into manhood. They all were developing spots, some worse than others, Tiffany got it very bad which didn't help her at all in popularity. The teacher had informed them that there would be some lessons after Christmas about what was happening to them and that interested everyone.

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