2X18: The Last Dance- Part 1

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"Now take it out," Klaus instructs. She yells out in pain as she does, "Now while I'm gone, I want you to do that over and over and over again. And if you get bored, switch legs," He smirks.

Katherine sighs, "Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go lay eyes on my precious doppelgänger and lovely wife," He leans back over her and whispers it. He then places a kiss on her forehead as she starts to shake. "Oh, don't look so glum, Katerina," He lifts her chin with one finger, "The fun is just beginning. Again," He walks to over to the door, grabs a jacket, and leaves Alaric's apartment.

Mystal's POV
"Please sign here and here," This man is at our house this morning to sign papers to make Elena the owner.

"Ok," Elena says as she takes the pen.

"So this place is all yours. They just gave it to you?" Bonnie, who is here as well, asks.

"For now," Elena replies.

I walk in fast, "Woah there Bon Bon, it's just in her name. This house is still mine."

Elena nods her head, "As the sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean." She was being vague because of the house man.

"Your own personal safe house," Bonnie concludes.

"And Mystal's, but she shouldn't have to worry as much. But that's the idea," Elena says.

"Wouldn't want to clean it," Bonnie jokes and I throw a pillow at her.

As Elena chuckles I go onto our porch with Stefan and Damon.

"You really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon asks, he is having doubts.

"I've never seen it happen," I shrug. No one is that brave, well except me.

"She said she could channel enough witches power to kill him," Stefan sticks up for her, "Elijah thought that would work and he was an Original so. Plus, Mystal kinda thinks so too, and she's like an Original... groupie?" He makes fun of me. I kick him hard.

"We just need to find him," Damon reminds us.

"Yeah," Stefan and I reply.

"Can she or Mystal do one of those witch tracking spells?" Damon comes up with.

"Nope, not without something that belongs to Klaus. Believe me I already asked," Stefan answers then look at me, "Wait.."

"No," I stop him right there, "A. I do not belong to him and B. I don't think people count. So kiss my ass."

They sigh in defeat for the moment and lean back on the rock rail.

Damon's face contorts before speaking again, "Do you think he killed her?" He refers to Katherine.

"Katherine?" Stefan checks, "Probably."

I snort, "No way. It's not his style." He would want to drag it out.

"It's not like she didn't have it coming," Damon indicates he doesn't feel bad for her. None of us do.

"Yeah," Stefan murmurs.

Elena opens our door and shakes the man with the paperwork's hand, "Thank you Mr.Henry."

My brothers and I stand up straight. We go up to our door, but the barrier stops us. Well, that's one thing being a witch won't take away.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot," Elena she throws her hands up, "Stefan and Mystal. Would you like to come inside my house?" I will let her get away with this power move this time since she is playing with Damon.

"I would love to. Thank you," Stefan gloats.

I stick my tongue out at Damon, "Me as well." Elena starts to giggle.

"What are we, 12," Damon remarks, not finding it funny.

"13," I smirk, messing with him is too fun.

"One of us is," She gets serious. Damon huffs. Stefan and I are smiling like idiots.  "If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?"

"No," Damon deadpans.

"Seriously, Damon. My way, and Mystal's. Your promised. We call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember," Elena bosses. Actually kinda funny for a change.

He makes funny facial expressions, "Yes, Elena. Sure."

Elena smiles happily, "Then please, come in."

Damon forces a smile and sees Stefan and I smiling away, "Shut up."

Bonnie comes in and hands Elena a jacket. I walk over with them. Bonnie promised she'd help me learn more spells if I tried out the whole high school thing. This happened at girls night. I laughed in her face, but then agreed. Also, kinda forgot until she reminded me yesterday. Yes bitches, Mystal is trying out high school, shudder. Caroline and Elena were stoked. Plus, it will get a rise out of my brothers. And Alaric is a teacher!! We're buddies, I actually really like him, which is a first.

"Wait, where are you two going?" Stefan looks puzzled as to why we are about to leave.

"To school," Elena has a duh tone.

"And you?" He turns to me.

"School," I answer like it was obvious.

Stefan's eyes widen, "Huh?"

"No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you two to leave it. And really Mystal? School, now?"

"Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that," Stefan acts like we're dumb.

"Right. But where? No one knows," Elena points out. Damon makes a 'gee no way' face. "Look, we really appreciate what you guys are doing," I make a kinda face, "And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner. And I know for a fact neither does Mystal."

"Exactly what she said. Plus, Bonnie and I made a deal, so I'm going to try out this high school thing. That's what you wanted right, Stefan?" I smirk.

Stefan raises his eyebrows and rakes his teeth with his tongue in annoyance and turns to Damon.

Damon looks not too surprised we retaliated, "Your way, Elena and Mystal." Elena looks shocked he agreed. I'm not, he would probably jump off a bridge for us.

"Don't worry, I'm ready," Bonnie assures, "If he shows his face, I can take him. I know how."

"Whoo, that's my witch girl," I pump my fist in the air. She looks shocked that I kinda admitted we are...friends? Oops, it's a good day, sorry.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie and Mystal is the safest place I can be. Vice versa for Mystal," Elena encourages, "Come on," She motions for the door.

Stefan scoffs and looks pissy at Damon, "Wait. I'm coming," He spits out.

"Yay! Can't miss my first day of high school brother," I tease.

The Salvatore Sister: TVD- Season 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu