First Impressions

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Springtrap POV
I awoke and looked at the clock. 11:56 am. I walked over ro the door, and to my amazement found it was unlocked. I opened it slightly and peeked around. I looked at the stage. There were three animatronics that looked like absolute knock-offs of Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. Suddenly, I heard the door open, and when I saw who it was, I was immediately angry. It was that damned Jeremy. I looked over at the other side and saw what looked like two replicas of Pirate's Cove. Suddenly, a yellow eye appeared in the one on the right. It was looking right at me. I quickly retreated and shut the door. "Probably just seeing things." I heard them say. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3 am. 'Now or never' I thought to myself. Jeremy must PaY fOr WhAt He HaS dOnE...
Freddy POV
The nightguard had just shut me out again. I just wanted a little fun. I sadly walked back to the stage. Suddenly, I heard the guard scream "WHO THE F*CK IS THAT!" I rushed over and saw he was looking at the repair room camera. I looked over at the door and my heart immediately stopped. Standing in the door, was a VERY run down rabbit animatronic. His head was twitching and his jaw was hanging open. And he looked PISSED. He suddenly looked dead at me. I yelped and quickly hid in the restrooms. I heard clanking and creaking as he slowly marched down the hallway. Suddenly I realized something. Bonnie was on the other side of the office. Who knows what would happen if that thing saw her. I slowly crept out of my hiding spot, but it was too late. I heard Bonnie shriek and watched her come dashing out of the hall. We heard gruesome noises coming from the office as the guard yelled out in pain. Foxy and Mangle were both cowering inside of their coves, and I'm pretty sure I saw Mangle piss herself. Chica, Bonnie, and I were all hiding in the restrooms. Suddenly the 6 am bell rang and we watched in horror as that... thing came clunking out of the hallway, covered in blood. It retreated back into the repair room. Me and Bonnie went to check on the guard, but what we saw, we could never unsee. His entire arm had been ripped off, his leg was broken and bent the wrong way, and his entire skull had been crushed. Not to mention the office was COVERED in blood. It was so horrifying I screamed.
Mangle POV
I was about to cone out and greet the nightguard when I heard the repair room door open. I looked over and instantly hid. I saw a green rabbit come towering out of the room, limping towards the office. His ears and jaw shook with each step he took. Bonnie shrieked and ran out. I went back into my cove, as I heard screaming coming from the office. Then, I heard bone crunch. I wanted to vomit. I suddenly felt a wetness in my panties and a warm liquid run down my legs. I pissed myself out of utter terror. I went back into the cove and cried. I watched as the animatronic came stumbling out, covered in blood. I feared the worst. I then heard footsteps and Freddy screaming.
Foxy POV
Another night, another chance to... pleasure... the guard. I blushed and smirked as I ran down the hall. But the guard closed the door in my face. Ow. I went back to my cove only to hear the repair room door slowly creak open. I looked over and saw a really cute rabbit boy come out. He looked at the camera for a bit and then walked down the hallway. I heard Bonnie scream and come out the hallway. I was curious.. that is, until I heard bones crunching and the guard scream in pain. I hid in my cove and watched the rabbit go back into the back room. Okay, no longer cute. I then heard Freddy scream.
Narrator POV
After she screamed, all the others came rushing over to her. Bonnie looked terrified, poor Mangle had a wet patch and was crying, Chica looked completely reluctant to even go near the office, and Foxy looked utterly traumatized. As soon as they saw what Freddy saw, those looks only got worse. Once it hit 6 am, the manager came in and saw the after math of Springtrap. He closed down the building for a whole week to clean up the mess and come up with some sort of cover-up for the whole thing.

Springtrap x FNiA Harem 😏जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें