"Yule logs we decorate with wreathes of spider feet."

"Ding-dong, ding-dong." Brandon backed him up with softer vocals.

"But I couldn't eat it!" The beat went on before Ritchie picked up again. "Stockings that were hung without a care, are nearly bare!"

"Ding-dong, ding-dong."

"The ringing of the bells." As Ritchie sung this line both looked up and smiled at the guild. A couple people shuddered at the dark looks in their eyes.

Brandon took over the main part, his voice full of mischief. "The nice kids are fine so..."

"I'll leave'em to the big guy."

"The naughty kids are mine though-"

"I'm coming for them this time!"

"Don't you see you can't leave?" Brandon's tone though keeping the mischief also seemed amused.

"You think can escape me?" Ritchie matched his tone easily, conveying the humorous disbelief equally as well.

"Wanna play?"

"Wanna play?"

Then together. "All my love for you is your Christmas gift!" They both smirked as they continued in unison, the beat slowing once more. "A Black Santa Claus is coming to town tonight. A Black Santa Claus is coming to town tonight. A Black Santa Claus is coming to town tonight. A Black Santa Claus is..." 

The entire time they sang this their voice's were soft as the beat slowly sped up once again. And then when they cut themselves off Brandon tilted his head and with a smile said. "Oh, here are the naughty children." While staring directly at David and Mario.

"Celebrating love but it's a nightmare!" Ritchie's cheerful tone betrayed the songs lyrics. "What's the point of dreaming when the truth is right there?" He smiled at them. "Starting midnight, I'll awaken you from dancing sugar plums!  From a cold street corner, celebrating Christmas!"

Brandon came back in with the next verse. "In a world of liars that can play you,  not a prayer above could save us so we play too.  Drowning out the cries, are jingle bells that ring into the sky!  Wanna sleep in the heavenly peace?But it ain't a holy night!"

Their voices melded together once more as they sung together. "It's ringing ding-dong, ding-dong  all through the night!  So have a Happy Christmas Day!"

Then together they tapped out the beat, the others could only stare in awe of how smoothly each knew their part. Had they practiced this before or was this just do to their twin bond? So enough however the beat faded out to a softer sound.

"Under the veil of a Christmas sceneIt's party time now, ok?" Ritchie sang out voice taking an odder tone.

"Let's get a ticket to the herb chickenYou want it black leather? I'm gonna go sleigh!" Brandon's voice took the same childish tone.

"You silly people party in the daylight."

"Now wait a sec, is it Halloween?" Brandon wasn't quite singing these lines, instead it sounded more like a genuine question.

"But at the end of the nightYou're all just puppets on a string!"


 Brandon took over the main verse once more. "We should play a trick, right?"

"Let chaos reign for one night!"

"And looking like the big guy-"

"-we're fooling them at midnight!"

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