Chapter 15

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HELLO PEOPLE OF THE WORLD AND MAYBE OTHER PLANETS I DON'T JUDGE!!!!!!! So yep guys I'm back again the weird chick. OH GOSH HELP ME AHHHHH. Sorry I'm weirder than normal it's been like this all don't worry I'm perfectly INSANE. Ok I'm done blabbing 'bout how I need to go to a mental hospital...wait what I didn't say anything. HEHEHE


~Mitch POV~

I keep thinking that girl. What was her name again Zy... Zpur... No it was Zyhper. She says we haven't met before, but somehow in someway I know she's lying. I feel like I would know those eyes anywhere, like I heard that voice before, like somewhere in my head is many memories of her and someone or something took them away. No I must be going crazy, taking away someone's memory isn't possible. Or is it?

~Adam POV~

I shot someone... I shot someone... I shot someone. Sure they might be the enemy, but they surly have family that loves them and cares for them and I just shot them and probably killed them. Mitch was talking to the girl that ran after her. That might be the girl's family and I just killed the girl. Many thoughts cross my mind as I eat breakfast with Mitch. He seems that he is in deep thinking too.

"Whatcha thinking about Mitch" I ask taking another slurp of my cereal.

"Just that girl. She said she's never met me before, but I think she is lying. I feel like I know her. I don't know I might just be going crazy." He replies wiping beads of sweat off his forehead He must be thinking about this really hard.

"I don't know Mitch I just don't know," I sigh "We might all be going crazy... We might all be"


So whatcha think? Any who I gotta go. BYE



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