Chapter 11

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Warning: There is violence and kinda blood involved. Do not read if you would not like to read this type of thing.


Hyunjin ran and ran. He tried following the shrieks and he finally found himself in front of the bathroom.

Hyunjin busted in there. Jeongin was backed up onto the wall, Yangyang was holding a knife.

"Really thought I could somehow you use you to mess with Hyunjin but I guess not. You have no use now." Yangyang comes close. Hyunjin pulled yangyang away from Jeongin. He also punched Yangyang's face to make sure he would at least not get up so easily.

"Hyunjin hyung." Jeongin says. Hyunjin runs over to check on Jeongin.

"Wait hyung watch out!" Yangyang attempts to stab Hyunjin. Hyunjin felt the knife pierce through his skin. Yangyang smirked.

"Well that was easy." Yangyang simply laughed and went on his way out of the bathroom.

Jeongin crawled to Hyunjin.

"Jinnie hyung..."

"Call the cops and ambulance. Report Yangyang to the teachers now."

"B-But I don't want to leave you. What if you die."

"Innie I'm fine just go." Jeongin starts shaking. He attempts to get up but he had a fear of seeing blood. He just fell back down again.

"Hyunjin hyung I'm sorry, I can't. I'm not going to leave you."

"Call the others, at least you know they can come here quickly." Jeongin reached out for his phone. He dialed Felix and told him what happened.

Soon enough the school nurse and teacher were in the bathroom.

"Hold on hyung. The ambulance will come, please stay with me." Hyunjin held Jeongin's hands. Hyunjin's grip slowly loosens.

"I-I'm sorry innie." With that Hyunjin blacked out. Jeongin's tears roll down his cheeks.

The gang came running in even Hwanwoong.

"What happened to Hyunjin?" Hwanwoong asked.

"A foreign exchange student named Yangyang stabbed him. He seemed to hate Hyunjin." Felix says.

"Yangyang? He is part of a gang(Neo Culture Technology gang that is *wink wink*), he used to bully Hyunjin a lot for having divorced parents and a step mom.

"I hope he gets thrown in jail." Jeongin mumbles. He was mad. The paramedics came and brought a stretcher for Hyunjin.

He was brought to the ambulance.

"Only one person can follow and most preferably a family member or anyone close to him." The paramedics say.

Hwanwoong looks over to Jeongin.

"Innie how about you go. I'm sure Hyunjin would rather much see you. Considering how our family situation is right now." Jeongin nods. He climbed into the ambulance.

Jeongin held hyunjin's hands.

"Stay with me hyung. Please, I don't want you to die." Jeongin tightly held hyunjin's hand. Tears streaming down his cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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