Chapter 6

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A/n: sorry forgot to update this, I was trying to write a few chapters for the ateez imagines and I just remembered about updating this book whoops

School ended pretty quick for Hyunjin's first day. His brother ran and placed arm around him.

"Hey Hyunjin. We need to get back mom wants to see you." Hyunjin pushed off Hwanwoong's arm.

"I'm not going home. I will be at the place."

"But mom will kill you."

"Then don't go home. You can stay with me." Hwanwoong shook his head.

"Mom will kill me."

"Oh come hyung, every little thing you say always has to be with that witch in the sentence. My dad doesn't even care if she abuses me. He only favours her." Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"Hyunjin please just go home."

"No, your mom hates me. I don't even know why your parents even like each other. What's so good about your mom that my dad had to leave my mom?"

"Hyunjin..." Hwanwoong went to place a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder. Hyunjin pushed Hwanwoong off.

"Just tell that bitch that I would rather live on my own then see her face." Hyunjin ran off. Jeongin was walking with Felix when hyunjin was speed walking but Hyunjin ignored his greeting.

Jeongin looked over to where Hwanwoong was.

"Hyung?" Jeongin says. Hwanwoong smiled as he saw Jeongin.

"Hey innie, sorry I can't talk right now. Hyunjin is being kind off stubborn right now."

"I-I can talk to him for you." Jeongin suggests. Hwanwoong thought for a bit, a light bulb went off in his head after he saw Hyunjin giggly and happy with Jeongin.

"Then go, here." Hwanwoong sent an address to jeongin. "He usually goes here to run from home. It's his secret place, convince him to come home please. Our mom will be mad." Hwanwoong says before he thanked Jeongin and ran home.

"So innie go see your lover." Felix smirks.

"I told you I don't him like that."

"YET." Felix adds.

"I hate you hyung."

"Oh come on you love me. Alright I need to get going, gonna walk with Changbin back home." Felix pats Jeongin's shoulders before he runs off to Changbin who was waiting for him.

"Whipped." Jeongin mumbles. Jeongin stared at the address. He should probably go there. He went on Google Maps and typed in the address. He followed the directions.

He ended up in front of a forests and the map still asks him to walk forward. This is bad though it was quite dark right now. Oh he forgot to tell San where he was.

 Oh he forgot to tell San where he was

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𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓬𝓸𝓸𝓵 ❄️[Hyunin] (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora