Chapter 9

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I'm sorry but as a nctzen I'm going to be portraying yangyang as the bad guy. I love yangyang with all my heart and he is my baby. Sorry if this makes you sad :( also omg I'm sorry I forgot to post the chapters, I was busy with my other stories🙏

Felix and Jeongin finally made it to class. They sat next to each other then the teacher walks in.

"Class we have a new student joining us for today. Please come in."

The student walks in and lets just say his eyes instantly fell on Jeongin. He cockily smirks and steps up in front.

"Hi everyone, I'm YangYang. I'm a foreign student. I hope we get along."

He seemed like he can play with people's heart.

"Alright YangYang, how about every English class, you sit next to Jeongin there. Jeongin please raise your hand."

Wait why are the new guys always sitting next to me. Jeongin thought.

Yangyang happily took a sit next to Jeongin. Felix went to whisper to Jeongin.

"Look innie, I don't really trust the guy. I feel like he is going to ruin any relationship."

"It's fine Felix hyung. He isnt going to, you should be nice to new people." Yangyang turns to Jeongin.

"I heard while walking through the hallways that your pretty popular?"

"A-Ah, me? I'm not popular. My hyungs are though."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 19 this year."

"Oh a year younger then me. What about your friend there."

"He is the same age as you. He isn't too fond of new people so don't mind him." Yangyang nods. They continued with the lesson.

Lunch time rolls by, Jeongin and Felix went to the cafeteria. Jeongin spots Hyunjin at the table for once he was smiling and giggling.

"Innie, come here." Minho taps the seat next to him. It was also beside Hyunjin but Jeongin totally wasn't nervous. He still sat next to them though.

"Hey Jeongin." Hyunjin says. Jeongin smiles and waves at the boy.

"Hey hyung."

"Sorry if those clothes are a bit too big for you."

"It's fine hyung they fit just right." Just then Yangyang came by the table.

"Hey mind if I sit here jeongin? I don't really have friends right now." The others cautiously look at Yangyang. Jeongin smiles and nods.

Yangyang happily took a sit next to Jeongin, Minho was kinda mad.

"Anyways guys. This is yangyang hyung the new boy that just join the English class me and Felix hyung have." No one uttered a word.

"Don't be so mean, he is a foreign exchange student."

"Hello yangyang, I'm Hyunjin." Hyunjin held out a hand for yangyang but he was glaring at him.

"Oh Hwang Hyunjin, nice to see you here."

"You know Hyunjin?" Jeongin asks.

"Yup, we were the best of friends. I didn't know what happened to him though cause he just disappeared."

"Yeah, disappeared." Hyunjin clenched his jaw. Jeongin sensed the tension.

"Hey about i go buy some cake? I heard that's the dessert they were serving at the cafeteria." No replies. Jeongin pouts and just stands up. He quickly left to go buy the cake from the cafeteria stall.

"Yangyang what are you doing here?"

"Just here to see my friend?" Yangyang smiles.

"Cut the bullcrap Yangyang, are you going to steal Jeongin from me?"

"Maybe. Is he your next target to fall for or what?" Hyunjin's blood was boiling.

"We are still here you two." Felix says. Hyunjin turns to them.

"I'm sorry guys we have some unfinished business to do." Hyunjin stands up and walks away. Yangyang also stood up but Seungmin grabbed him by the collar.

"You dare hurt Jeongin. I will break your neck and call Jongho on you." Yangyang smirks.

"I honestly could care less about who this jongho dude is but could you at least put me down? Wouldn't want the teachers to see you fight, right Kim Seungmin?" Seungmin let's yangyang go. His jaw drops.

Yangyang walks to where Hyunjin was. Now shit was about to get real.

𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓬𝓸𝓸𝓵 ❄️[Hyunin] (discontinued)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu