Chapter 4

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"innie right here." Jisung waved his hands around. Jeongin and Felix made their way with their tray.

"Hey ji. We met a potential candidate for Jeongin." Felix says.

"Really?" Jisung cheered. Jeongin smacked Felix.

"Hyung~I don't like him that way."

"Yet!" Felix added on. Jeongin whined. Right on time, minho and Changbin walk in.

"Hyung, Felix and Jisung are bullying me! Control your lovers thanks." Both Minho and Changbin blush.

"Lovers? We are just friends innie."

"I'm the fifth wheeler here. God I wish channie and Woojin hyung were here." Just then the 99' liners and Jongho walk to their table.

"Hey baby bro." San ruffles Jeongin's hair.

"Am I like the only one here who doesn't have a damn boyfriend?" Jeongin says as he stared at the others.

"Well n-yeah you are." Mingi says. Jeongin pouts.

"Don't worry you will find your someone. Like Yeosang and seungmin! They were the only ones who didn't have boyfriends, now look at them." Jongho says as he points to seungmin and Yeosang kissing.

Jeongin scrunched his face.

"And finally I can breathe. I never thought he would actually leave me for someone else." Jeongin says. Jongho nods in agreement.

Confused? Well here are the ships.
Mingi and Yunho
San and Wooyoung
Felix and Changbin
Jisung and Minho
Seungmin and Yeosang

"What about you jongho?" Jisung says.

"Ah well I rather study then waste my time on dating."

"Jeongin is available?"

"Nah he has a potential candidate." Jongho says as he secretly points at Hyunjin.

"Hyung not you too!" Jeongin whined. Their table was loud and that was because they had wooyoung.

"Hyung? Can't we join them?" Xion asks.

"If you want we can." Leedo says. The oneus group and Hyunjin joined the loud table.

"Ayy man." Mingi high fives Leedo. Hyunjin awkwardly sat next to Jeongin.

"Sorry about my friends they are quite loud." Hyunjin chuckled.

"It's fine. My friends are equally as loud as yours." The others were chatting with each other, they completely forgot about Hyunjin and Jeongin. Hyunjin stood up.

"Wanna ditch them?" Hyunjin's hands were out for Jeongin to take. Jeongin happily took it and Hyunjin led him out of the canteen.

𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓬𝓸𝓸𝓵 ❄️[Hyunin] (discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ