"Everybody good?" I asked after a moment of silence, looking over Jhene to make sure she was good. Once I got the okay from them, I raised up and looked ahead to see a low rider driving towards us at a fast speed. The faces were covered with hoods and bandanas but I was able to make out one thing.

Two red dice in the mirror.

I swallowed thickly before pulling away from the curb and pushing it for my house that was just four houses down. I scanned over the lawn and that's when I saw Kai, my baby brother, on his knees and holding his stomach.

"No." I breathed out and slammed on the brakes, sliding the gear into park before flying out of the car. I ran at full speed before dropping besides him. "Kai, yo. Look at me." He looked up slowly and blinked. "Just keep looking at me- yo someone call the ambulance!" I yelled and used my own hand to press against his bleeding stomach.

"You always the one to show up, huh cuh?" He said with a delirious chuckle. I clenched my jaw and felt my heart racing as he tried to lay back. "Just let me.."

"Nah, I'm letting that happen." I said, chucking bitterly as I pressed his stomach harder. "That's not happening.." I heard a door slam, followed by screaming and suddenly my mom was besides us.

"Kaito." She cried out and looked down at the damage, her eyes instantly tearing up.

He looked over at mom and smiled weakly. "I'm okay, Ma." I felt my own eyes water as he tried to lay back again. This time I let him. "Shit, it don't even hurt if I'm being honest." I shook my head, knowing he was lying but he was trying to put in a brave face. "Man.. I guess no boneless wings, huh?"

"You're gonna get those damn wings." Maru said, crouched on the other side of him. "You're gonna get hella wings bro, so much your little six pack gonna disappear." Kai chuckled as he looked up at the sky.

We sat in silence for what felt like forever. By now, people were coming out of their houses, standing on the porch as they witness this weeks shooting. I was usually them, out looking in. This time I was holding my brother

After some time, I heard the faint sound of the siren and I silently prayed they got here in time. "Kai.." I mumbled and he looked over at me. "Don't let go.. even if you're holding on by a thread.."

"Wrap ya finger around it and hold on." He finished with a nod. "I.. I k-know." His speech started to slow as he exhaled slowly. "I know." He repeated.

"Excuse me." I quickly moved to the side as the EMT's slid in, instantly working on my brother. "He's losing a lot of blood, stretcher!"

I sat back, watching as they lifted him onto the stretcher and started to push him to the ambulance quickly. I couldn't move. I stayed put, everything numb when I heard three words by the time he was inside of the van.

"We're losing him!"

I squeezed my eyes shut, my fist balling as I pressed them into my head that dropped.

I wasn't losing my baby brother. I wasn't. I couldn't take that.. I can't take that.

"Y/n.." I heard someone faintly whisper. Opening my eyes, Jhené stood in front of me before she slowly pulled me up. "Come on, I'll drive." I nodded slowly, not comprehending a word.

We Make Waves [Jhene Aiko/You]Where stories live. Discover now