"Well, I'm glad it's over. And I learned a valuable lesson too."

"What is that? Never mess with Alex Brightman?"

"No, not that. I think you have a weak spot for me. Good to know," I teased, wiggling my eyebrows, even though he couldn't see me.

"Oh whatever." He scoffed. "Just text me your address."

I continued to laugh, knowing it was true. "You're adorable, Brightman."

"I'm not adorable, I'm very manly." He announced, deepening his voice. I laughed loudly at his impression.

"The fact you had to deepen your voice makes you even more adorable," I pointed out, earning a scoff from the other end of the phone. "You get an A for effect, though."

~It's Showtime~

As soon as I opened the door, Alex tackled me into a bear hug, stuffing me into his chest. He apologized multiple times, along with kisses to my cheek. I had to push him back and hold his shoulders to look him in the eye and repeat that it was fine.

"So, we're cool? You still love me?" Alex asked with a cocky smile.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, mister." I scolded him, crossing my arms. "And yes, we are cool." We were still in the mud room as Alex slipped off his shoes and hung his jacket up.

"You didn't answer my second question, though," He pushed, lifting an eyebrow at me. I looked up at the ceiling, tapping my cheek like I was in thought. I glanced back at him, blinking a few times.

"I'll let you answer that yourself." I teased, patting his shoulder as he came up to stand in front of me. I turned around before I could catch his reaction and headed into the apartment. I was actually happy Katie and her dad were out doing whatever. She texted me a little while back that they wouldn't be back for a while. She mentioned that she might not come back until tomorrow, even. So, I had the whole apartment to myself for a few hours.

"You sneaky girl," Alex chuckled to himself, still standing in the mud room. "Wait, where's Katie? You guys still live together, right?" He asked curiously. I stood in the hallway, turning back towards him to nod once.

"She's out with her dad and won't be back until like midnight or something," I shrugged. Alex only hummed in response, still standing in the mud room. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused on why he wasn't following me. I looked down the hall at the main space, then back at him, trying to catch onto what he was doing. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for you to invite me in," he answered with obvious humor in his voice. I opened my mouth to speak, but only a breathless laugh came out. I shook my head at him.

"Are you serious, Alex?" He only nodded. I huffed lowly, rubbing my eyes with my fingers frustratingly. "Okay fine." I threw my hands up. I walked back down the hallway, up to Alex in the mud room and smiled sweetly. "Do you want to come in to hang out, Alexander? We can watch a movie and eat or something?" I offered to him, tilting my head. He stared blankly at me, and before I could ask what he was doing, a big grin appeared on his face.

"I thought you'd never ask," he poked my side, making me flinch, before skipping past me down the hallway.

I closed my eyes, biting my lip to stop my laugh. "You are so weird," I teased him, running my hands over my face, so it came out as muffled.

"I won't agree nor deny," he yelled loud enough for me to hear. I opened my eyes again and walked into the main room of the apartment. I came up to stand next to Alex and watched him look around the place.

In Love With Alex BrightmanWhere stories live. Discover now