Chapter 5

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Bumblebee silently crept toward the main Decepticon base. He got so close he could hear Megatron's mean speech. Suddenly alarm echoed throughout the entire base. "Autobots!" Megatron yelled. Bumblebee froze in place terrified they saw him. But then he heard shooting. "Silence, you empty processor," Bumblebee growled in his mind.

Bumblebee stayed in place for a few minutes before Megatron started talking about what he needed to know. Plans of their biggest attack at Iacon. A while later Bumblebee knew everything and was ready to leave but his plans were dissipated by a group of Decepticons. "Lord Megatron, we captured the Autobot." one of Vehicons said. The other two Vehicons stepped closer to their leader with Silence in their captivity. "My spy told me you will come. But I didn't expect you to come along and be so foolish, Autobot." Megatron hissed. Silence spat some Energon and lifted his helm to see the warlord. "Spy?" he asked. Megatron laughed darkly.

A pair of heavy pedsteps echoed the base until a massive cybertronian stepped into the light of Cybertron's moons. "I always knew you are a rat. But this?!" Silence yelled suddenly full of anger. "Shut up!" Megatron hissed. "Supreme was an excellent spy of mine. The best of the best. But do you know why?" Megatron asked, no it couldn't be a question. "He is your brother. No one would suspect him to be a Decepticon." The Decepticon leader said with an evil smirk. Silence had no words for that. His own brother betrayed Autobots. He knew how Supreme acts but he would never say he is Decepticon. A traitor.

Bumblebee watched in horror as Supreme approached Silence. He noticed some changes in Supreme's body. He had now sharp digits as any Decepticon has and a visible Decepticon logo on his shoulder plates. "If you weren't so stupid you would join our side. Just like our creators." Supreme said. "You're lying! They weren't dirty cons!" Silence replied angrily. Supreme grabbed his younger brother by neck cables and lifted him into the air. "You don't know anything about them! You are just a piece mistake!" he yelled. Silence gasped for air as his grip on his neck cables got tighter.

Bumblebee couldn't watch it anymore. He just couldn't but Silence looked at him. Their optics pinned together. Silence's optics were stern he wanted the younger scout to leave and tell everything to Prime but Bumblebee couldn't.

Then it all blew up. One of the Vehicons noticed the yellow Autobot and held him pinned to the ground by his ped. Young scout tried to move but Megatron himself noticed him and approached him. Warlord grabbed Bumblebee by his helm and dragged him to Silence and Supreme. "That's your Autobots' biggest weakness. You care for each other." Megatron growled with an evil smirk on his face plates. With his other servo, Megatron held the yellow scout by his neck cables.

"I want information, Autobots. If you tell us everything I'll make it quicker for you both." Megatron spat into Bumblebee's face. "Not even in your darkest dreams!" Bumblebee replied angrily. Megatron tightened his grip on Bumblebee's neck cables causing him to choke. And suddenly there was a loud crack heard and Megatron smirked. "If you won't talk scout," he started reaching with another servo to Bumblebee's neck cables. "then you won't tell anything to anyone ever again!" with that he stabbed his sharp digits into young scout's neck and ripped out little device.

Bumblebee wanted to scream in pain he felt burning to come from his neck cables but nothing came out of his mouth. His optics were wide and Energon started to leak from his mouth behind his mouth guard. He suddenly had no strength to hold onto Megatron's servo. He felt Energon rolling down under his mouth guard and dripping on his armour and ground beneath him.

"BEE!" yelled shocked Silence. His optics were wide at the sight of the scene in front of him. He saw Bumblebee's optics go offline and then Megatron threw his motionless body away not caring if he is really dead. The warlord looked at him and Silence's neck cables tightened at the thought of what could happen to him.

"Are you going to talk or do you want to meet the same fate as your friend?" Megatron spat with venom in his voice, especially at the word 'friend'. Silence frowned and felt more pressure on the neck cables his brother made. "As I said. I am going to stand up to my name." he hissed. Supreme was ready to punch his brother but Megatron was faster and ripped Silence out of Supreme's servo punching Autobot himself with the biggest force he could make.

Silence's optics rolled back into his head and then they closed. Megatron threw his body the same way he did with Bumblebee. "I don't want to see those Autobots again," he growled toward a few Vehicons who nodded and lifted up both Autobots and took them away. Supreme followed them. When Vehicons were about to throw two Autobots into a hole Supreme stopped them and told them he will do it.

Vehicons did as he said and left without asking. Supreme half knelt next to Silence's helm. "I always wanted a better end for you but I knew you would end like this," he said and opened the back panel of Silence's helm and took the little disk and scratched a little part of it. "With luck, you won't remember this," he said and left.

When Silence opened his optics again he saw a sharp light above him and hissed closing his optics immiadetly. His hiss was heard by a medic who stood nearby. "Silence? Can you hear me?" Silence knew that voice and opened his optics carefully once again. "Ratchet?" he rasped. "Ep! Ep! No talking. You were hit in your helm badly." the medic said silencing the young Autobot. Then Silence's optics widened. "Where is Bee?" he almost yelled in realisation. Medic fell silent for a while before he spoke again.

"Bumblebee... He lost his voice," he said quickly and his expression became depressed. "He almost killed you both. We almost lost you both. When Prime found out... He blames himself." he continued. Silence only listened he was in too big shock to talk he barely heard the medic talk.

"I... I can't remember anything." Silence hissed after a while grabbing his helm. "Your memory disk was damaged and caused you to lose some memory," Ratchet explained. "Is Bee... Is he going to be alright?" Silence asked quietly. "Yes, he's going to be alright you don't need to worry. And you are alright but I want to keep you here for a while." Ratchet explained folding his servos. Silence only nodded and fell into a recharge.

When Ratchet was about to leave he heard Silence talk in his sleep. He said only names. Names of his little brother, his team and all his friends. One by one. But Ratchet discern an aftershock and left with a heavy spark.

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