"Pl- please don't tell anyone..." I begged and stared at the grinning boy with puppy eyes.

"Little San has a crush on me, I can't believe it" he laughed in irony.

"Alright, I'm not gonna tell anyone but only if you keep quiet about what you read and about... the choking. It ruins my reputation." His sudden serious tone made me feel uncomfortable and I nodded slowly to show him I was okay with it.

"Words, San." Wooyoung reminded me and I turned around to him again with an annoyed expression.

"Yes, don't worry I'll not tell anyone about your aggression problems."

"It's not aggression... it's more like being overly careful and serious about some things. " he explained and I just shrugged and made my way to the closet. I wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible.

"Whatever... I'm gonna meet up with Yunho and Hongjoong so make yourself comfortable without me." I told him and put on a warmer hoodie over my shirt.

"See you later cutie" he obviously made fun of me but I still almost choked on my spit.

"Stop that..."

The other responded by just laughing and waited for me to leave the dorm room. And that was exactly what I did.

What did I think, saying I like him!? Not freaking out and yelling at Wooyoung when he said things like that was pretty difficult. But I knew he wasn't serious about it so he wouldn't be too hurt if he found out that his room mate was the one fooling him. And that would soon happen. After all I was the person that had searched through his personal stuff...

I made my way to floor 4 and knocked on Yunho and Hongjoons' dorm room that I was well familiar with. When the door opened I was surprisingly faced with Mingi's smiling presence before he let me in.

"Didn't know you would be here too." I told him jokingly and sat down on the sofa next to Yunho who was already busy choosing a movie to watch this evening.

"Yeah I was around so I thought, why not join you guys?" Mingi answered while ruffling Hongjoon's hair who just finished preparing some snacks and now glared at the red haired boy annoyed.

"Better stop that or you'll not stay for long." he threatend and placed some bowls with potato chips, chocolate and watermelon on a small table.

"Guys, how about we watch John Wick?" Yunho interrupted their small fight and pointed to the screen.

"Yeah, why not? I love films like these!" I happily replied and leaned forward a bit to grab some candy.

But before I could reach it Yunho suddenly grabbed my shoulder and pulled the fabric of my hoodie back a bit, exposing my neck.

"What?" I asked in confusion and turned around to the blond haired guy whose eyes looked close to seriously concerned.

"Guys, look at this..." he yelled and it didn't take long until Hongjoong and Mingi were by his side and also staring at my neck.

Don't tell me...

"Where did you get those marks from?" Hongjoong wanted to know but I knew I couldn't tell them the truth. What was I supposed to say then?

"It looks like someone tried to choke you to death, San!" Yunho added.
I gave them my innocent, unconcerned smile and slowly took Yunho's hand from my hoodie.

"It was an accident, no need to worry." I assured them but no one showed any sign of believing me and Yunho grabbed my shoulders and literally stared into my soul.

"What kind of accidents would cause that? You can clearly see that a person did this!"
I looked away.

"I... can't tell you."

"But why? San, this is not funny." Mingi said and the others agreed with him.

"I can assure you that the person who did this didn't intent to kill me so please, can we just watch the movie now?" At least I hoped that Wooyoung didn't intent to kill me...
I begged and it seemed like my friends had finally understood that I wasn't going to tell them although they weren't too happy about it. Mingi sat down next to Yunho and Hongjoong next to me. He whispered something in my ear.

"So what... do you have like... a choking kink and the person who did that is actually your secret lover?"

"What the fuck?! Hongjoon NO!" I snapped at him and he fell from the sofa because of laughing so hard.

"Whats going on now?" I heard Yunho's voice between the others laughs.

"Just start the fucking movie!" I yelled at all of them and for a short moment everyone fell silent.

It didn't last long because 3 seconds later everyone of us started laughing and yelling even louder than before.
So in the end we spent way more time in their dorm room than planned.

𝕄𝕪 𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣 / 𝕨𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕟  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя