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Days passed and she didn't understand how he could not understand. He was her best friend. How had that changed? When had that changed? Why had that changed? How could it simply change? Why couldn't things stay the way they were? Too many questions and they all made her head hurt. They all made her heart ache. And it was all because of the same person that used to make her smile a week ago and promised to never hurt her years before that. But they grew up, things changed, and he broke his promise.

At first, he didn't even notice that she was ignoring him. Which made it all that much worse. He spent so much time with Lily that he completely forgot about his other friends. Sirius missed his best friend and went to complain to her for the third time that day.


"Oh Merlin, what now?"

"I'm boooooored..."

"Okay. And?"

"Do something about it."

"I'm not your babysitter Padfoot. Doesn't Rem-"


"Well, Pet-"

"The one getting tutored."

"Weeeeeell, then it's a perfect occasion for you to study as well. Bye."



They both turned to the angry little lady who hushed them. The library was definitely not the right place to do this. So she packed her things and dragged Sirius out of there by his Gryffindor tie.

"Ok. Let's do this." Y/n said.

"Wow. Don't say that."

"Say what?"

" "Let's do this." It's cringe in real life."

The school year had only begun, but autumn was already letting winter take its place. The weather, too cold to make a pile of leaves and jump into it but not cold enough for snow. Which made going outside not the best option. So they opted for the only thing that came to mind and the thing they were best at: Pranks.

The first prank was for Remus and Peter since they basically rejected Sirius out of their study session. Chocolate. Chocolate is all of what the prank consisted of. Well... Special, kinda magical, chocolate. Chocolate that makes you only say the truth? Maybe. Kinda. Yes. That's exactly what it was.

"Mooooooonnyyyyyy..." Sirius said.

"Oh no." Remus let out, knowing trouble was near.

"Why does everyone react so disappointed? Y/n, now you? I didn't do anything... Yet."

"I think it's just your way of approaching people. Not you, as a person. You're a... great... human being...? You're just kind of a... suspicious... human being..." Y/n tried to reassure her confused friend. And pretty much failing, with her just as much confusing words.

"Well thank you, my dear. We came here, REMUS, to actually give you a gift. But you're a bitch. So no. And we hate you."

"Aaah...Aaactualy, no. We don't, we still love yo-" She added before being interrupted.

"Even though you're a bitch."

"Yes...Uhh... We have chocolate for you. My parents sent some to me and I thought you'd needed them more. Plus, I know they help you study." Y/n says, the most convincingly possible.


"Ok Sirius." She adds while ruffling his hair which his dog side - and even his human side - enjoyed.

"Oh. Well, thank you, guys. That's very thoughtful of you. Normally I'd say this is weird and probably a prank but in case it isn't, I don't want to make Padfoot anymore mad. For... no... apparent reaso-"


"I don't think there's really a good reason to take out your anger on someone else but ok." Peter said under his breath while opening the chocolate bar.

There was silence. Everyone understood that feeling. They all missed him. Y/n simply smiled at him. A sad smile. For that split second they understood each other's pain. But a sudden cough made them break eye contact.

"Uuuhh... Can I get some of that chocolate too."

"Of course Pete. I brought it for the too of you."

Y/n's sweet smile made him blush. He'd never quite seen her like that. So...calm and kind? Not that she wasn't kind, but she was more aggressive and rude. Not in a bad way, not "mean", but more like she just had to be. She had to be like that to protect herself. As if to make her look strong. She just had that attitude that made it clear to everyone to not mess with her. The whole situation made her walls break down. She had no protection and was completely bare. And that smile... It was forced... but it was so... so genuine?

"I think I'm just gonna go." Said Sirius while already walking past the group of friends.

"I'm gonna go with him."

Remus screamed, "Uhh... Thanks for the chocolate!"

They were already gone.

Y/n tried to follow her friend down the castle's halls but lost him at the first turn he took. He simply disappeared. She kept walking, but suddenly stopped at a right turn. What she saw made her sick for some reason. It made her feel like she felt that same morning. It made her feel like when she sat beside Remus and James beside Lilly at breakfast. Hanging out with Sirius numbed the pain, but the view in front of her put the tears back where they were before.

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