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"I hate you I hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate-" "That's enough, Miss L/N..." "Fucking finally, Minnie. You're a saviour!" Says James smiling at a not so satisfied Professor. 

"I see you two have not dealt with your issues. And said problem has been troubling my class. Don't think I haven't noticed the overwhelming amount of glasses and eye rolls. I don't have anything for you to do here today except sit down and talk. Sort your shit, kids." She winks and leaves them dumbfounded in the otherwise empty classroom.

James closes the open mouth of the girl stuck looking at the doorway and turns to sit on the nearest desk. "She said sit and talk, not stand up mouth open ready to ingest a flying spider." "She also said shit so I don't think she's as trustworthy as before. I say we don't listen to that fake McGonagall and leave this place in one piece before she comes to murder us all." Eyes empty, he really didn't seem to find it funny. "Look James, I really don't know what's there to talk about." The boy puts his legs up on the desk and hugs his knees innocently. "Oh I don't know either, maybe the fact that you started this all because of a silly little crush and tried to destroy my relationship with a lie?" "Wow really? That's pathetic honestly." She laughs. "I thought you came to terms with the truth but stayed with her because of your gigantic ego. Damn, so that's how it feels to be wrong." "Are you really not going to admit it?" " I won't admit to a lie, James."

They stayed in silence for what seemed like an eternity. It was in fact really just 3 minutes. "You know- I had a crush on you in third year." She turns around, finally interested in something he had to say. "And I know you say you didn't have a crush on me then but I thought you did. I still do. And I liked that about us. That we liked each other. That we could make eachother feel loved." "The thing is, Potter, that you never made me feel loved. And I loved you despite that. Despite the fact that you didn't." "But I did." But it didn't feel that way. You were always pinning after Lily. It felt like i was the second choice. It always felt like that. And I don't know what you're tryna do by bringing that up, if you just wanted me to admit that at some point I loved you as more than a friend then good job I just told you. But that love is gone cause I learned to have some self respect and standards, cause if that was what being loved by James potter is, than I don't want it. Get your head out of your ass and fix your issues. Stop bieng so fucking stuck up, James, cause you're losing the few good people around you." "I don't know... I guess I told you cause it's make you feel less embarrassed by your feelings?" "Seriously?? I saw her. I saw her, James. I promise I would never say something so heart crushing to you if it wasn't true. I'm sorry it happened, I really am. You didn't deserve to get cheated on. Tell Mcgonnagall we sorted our shit. Believe me or don't but please for the love of Merlin just leave me the fuck alone."

Usually her eyes would've been full of tears, but she didn't have the strength to feel bad about the words she said anymore. She said the truth even though last time she did, it got her in trouble but she didn't care if the same happened again. It couldn't get deeper than the bottom. She didn't have the time to prove herself to him. She finally had people that put her first. He wouldn't believe it anyway. So for her last words she chose to say the cold hard truth. Again.

James stayed in class until Mcgonnagall showed up. He cried in her arms like he would a mother. Never uttering a word.

For the next few days, y/n laughed with her new found friends as if nothing had ever happened. That infuriated the boy just that much more.

He thought about it. He thought about it hard. And he believed her. He confronted Lily, who only answered with cries and sorrys. He then beat up Severus, knowing it takes two to cheat but truly just finding an excuse to punch something.

Stopping y/n in the hallway, James try to explain himself. "I broke up with her." "No shit? I could've told by Snape's bloody nose but the walls around here do talk, Potter. And Hogwarts really ain't that big. Words spread fast." She turns herself back around to leave, but he holds her by the wrist. "I don't like not being friends with you, Rain..." "And...?" "And I miss you...?" "No James. I'm sorry. It's an "I'm sorry" I'm looking for" "oh, I truly am sorry, y/n. I should have trusted you." "You really should've. And honestly, you calling me a liar and truly believing that hurts me James. It's says a lot about what you think of my character and I don't like it. So i won't forgive you that easy. You always get everything you want, you always get everything the easy way-" "You're rambling." He says with a smile. "I know... but-" "I just want to be your friend again... please." "I don't know James... you really hurt me. You said really harsh things." Looking down at the ground, she doesn't dare stare at his beautiful hazel eyes, who she knows would make her cave. "So did you. But I don't care I forgive you. I was blinded by love, but I'll prove myself to you. I'll never hurt you like that again. You're my best friend. The only girl that truly will ever matter in my heart. I'll never ever hurt you like that again. I'm so so sorry for what I did and I'll do everything in my power to prove to you that this rough patch in our friendship was just that, a rough patch. I'm sorry y/n... please... take me back..." But he chose her, and Y/N was tired of always being put second place. But even after all he did, she couldn't resist those puppy eyes and that sincere frown in between his eyebrows. So she said she'd think about it, and he gave he the biggest smile she'd ever seen. All excited, he wanted to hug her but didn't. He didn't know if he could yet. She could still read him as she did before and so opened her and arms to the boy who jumped right on her. He swung her around as if nothing had changed.

When he put her back down, foreheads together, he asked: "Go to the ball with me."

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