C.9- The Longest Day

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I have to act cool, she thought to herself. I don't want him to think that it bothers me even though it does.

Anton leaned forward, "Yes love, I hope that's okay with you? We're hanging out with a bunch of other people, you can come with me."

Violet shook her head, "I trust you, besides, I am way prettier than Margaux. Let's leave the past in the past. Go have fun okay?" She stood up to kiss his lips. "I'm going to go check if Pat and the others are free today, good thing it's a Saturday."

Violet went on to call Patricia on her phone, hoping that she would pick up and agree to go out. She answered on the third ring.

"Hello, who's this?" Patricia answered, hoping it was Violet.

"Hey Pat, it's me, Violet." She smiled, hoping her best friend won't drop the call.

Pat smiled, "Oh hey! I'm so glad you called, we're all planning a girl's day out and then dinner with the guys and your brothers."

If Violet thought she had missed them so much, her excitement at the thought of being with everyone again made her realize that she missed them more than she thought she does. "Oh good! Oh my god, I was kind of scared that you would drop the call and never speak to me forever." She joked.

Pat chuckled, "Well, you're not wrong, but you know what? I just want to hang with you again, like the old times."

Violet sighed, the old times felt like a lifetime ago. Being with them made her feel like she had a whole different life before she came to Paris, and it was true. She missed that part of her life and she would do anything to keep it. "Pat, I hope you know that I really—"

"No, no sad talks and apologies over the phone. We're all meeting at my apartment. I'll text you my address and you can come here as soon as you can okay? Joana is arriving soon—"

"Hey who are you talking to?" A man cut Pat off, it sounded like Luigi.

"Luigi it's Violet." Pat replied to her soon to be husband with an annoyed tone, probably because he cut her off. Pat hates being cut off mid sentence.

There was a noise at the background, sounded like they were arguing over the phone. Violet chuckled, those two have not changed at all, she thought to herself.

"VIOLET! PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE COMING LATER!" Luigi exclaimed excitedly over the phone.

Violet laughed, nope, did not change at all she thought. "YES I'M COMING LATER! MAKE SURE TO HAVE TONS OF FOOD READY!"

"OKAY!" Luigi answered just in time before there was another noise in the background. With Pat probably fighting Luigi over the phone.

"Hey!" An exasperated Pat said, "Anyway, Jesus Luigi is like a fucking baby. So fucking annoying I swear to God. I'll send you the details and see you later, V!"

"See you!"

A day with her loved ones, what a way to come back home, Violet thought to herself.

Not long after they hung up, Pat sent the address and details to their apartment. Violet sighed and went on to shower and get ready.

She has never felt more excited than ever.

But there was still a nagging feeling in her that Lucas being there would stir up old feelings, feelings that probably never went away.

Meanwhile, Pat and Luigi were getting ready for everyone to come in their apartment. "So she's really coming?" Lucas asked his sister as he sat on their counter top as Pat continued to cook breakfast.

Pat looked up, she can see how nervous Lucas was to see Violet again, but there was something else in his eyes that she can't recognize. "Yeah, I think it's about damn time that we spend a day together, maybe a weekend together to understand her reasons and catch up with each other."

Lucas sighed looking down. "I don't know what to make of this." He wanted to tell her about their encounter at Ashton's grave. But he decided to keep it to himself. Something in him thought that it wouldn't be the last time that they would have that kind of conversation.

"Does she know about you and Monique?"

"No, we can tell her later when she gets here." He answered.

"Well does Monique know that you planned on proposing to her a few weeks ago but you decided not to?" Pat asked.

Lucas was supposed to propose to her it was true. But he didn't want to propose to her for all the wrong reasons. He simply wanted to propose to her because he felt that he had to and not because he wanted to. "She doesn't have to know, Pat." He ran his hand over his face.

"Well, I hope the fact that you found out that Violet was coming home a few minutes before you planned on proposing wasn't the reason why you decided not to propose." Pat answered reluctantly, because she probably knows the answer to this.

"I- I don't want it to be the reason." Lucas answered. But the truth was that it was the only reason why he decided not to propose to Monique. He hated that Violet had that effect on him, still.

Pat sighed, "This is more fucked up than we thought huh?" She chuckled sadly. "You still love her?"

Lucas didn't answer. He didn't want to make it true. Maybe he still loved her, maybe he still wanted to be with her, maybe there was still a small part of him hoping that Violet felt the same way.

Violet was going to stay until Pat and Luigi's wedding. That's more than two months to see behind Violet's façade of being happy with Anton.

The doorbell rang.

"Hey guys it's Joana!" Luigi shouted as he walked back to the dining table.

"So is she coming? Is she really? Oh my god oh my god I wanna hug her so much she'd choke." Joana exclaimed as she excitedly skipped toward where Pat and Lucas sat.

"I'm just happy she called." Pat answered as she finished cooking the pancakes and bacon. She put it in the plates and asked Lucas to help her bring it to the table.

Lucas took a deep breath. It's going to be a long day he thought to himself as he devoured the food that his sister prepared. A very long fucking day.


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