2X15: Dinner Party- Part 4

Start from the beginning

"Stefan won't let either of you die," Elijah speaks with confidence.

"No he won't," I hear Elena agree, "He'll feed me his blood to heal me, and then I'll kill myself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did." Damn she has got him good! "Then Mystal will gladly go next." I gave her permission to use my name, no worries, "So unless you want that to happen again, and for Mystal to die too, promise me the same as before- promise me....you won't harm anyone that we love. Even if they've harmed you."

Nothing, then, "I'm sorry, Elena," I hear Elena sigh, "I'm going to have to call you bluff," Elijah challenges.

Oh, shit... he went there. I wish I could see what was going on. The silence was deafening until... I hear a stab noise, then a yell in pain. Holy shit, she stabbed herself.

"No!" I hear Elijah speed and yell.

I hear Elena gasp in pain and something metal drop on the floor.

"Yes. Yes, you can have your deal," Elijah rushes out, "Let me heal you."

"Give me your word!" Elena shouts. She knows that's how he works.

"I give you my word," Elijah says those 5 words.

Next thing I hear is stabbing and Elijah now yelling out in pain. She got him. I hear his body fall to the ground next and I assume Stefan runs out to give her his blood. Damon and I appear in the door way, yeah I was right. I see Elijah's once again gray, dead body. This was all the plan.

"Well that took forever," I speak first.

"Little tip. Don't pull the dagger out," Damon follows up. Good oneee.


Damon, Stefan, Elena, and I are now in our cellar. Twice for Damon and I tonight. My brothers place Elijah's body on the ground, dagger in this time! Stefan sighs and puts his arm around Elena.

Damon bends down and goes through Elijah's coat pockets, "What do we have here?" He pulls out the all mighty moonstone, "A little moonstone, or a bar of soap? I'll hold on to this."

"So, that's it?" Elena asks, "I mean, as long as we keep the dagger in there, then he stays dead."

"Pretty much," I summarize.

"Ok," She says quietly and turns to leave. Yes! But turns back around, no! "You know, you guys want me to fight like Mystal finally decided to, fine, I'll fight. But if we're gonna do this, you can't keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we're doing it my way."

"Nope, let me stop you right there. No one tells me what to do. Last person that did, well, they have a dagger in their chest," I stop Elena.

"Ok, Mystal and I's way, I'm sorry I meant to include you," she restates.

"That seems fair," Damon says.

"Ok," Stefan nods.

"Ok," Elena shakes her head.

My siblings and I look at each other.

"Seems like she's had a change of attitude," Damon notices, "How did you get through to her?"

"I told her a little story, about when I was making the wrong decisions and somebody shows me there was a better way," Stefan replies.

Funny, I've been through the same thing. Ugh, forget about it.

"Lexi?" Damon puts together.

"Yeah," Stefan smiles, "You remember her?" He refers to when Damon killed her, yes I know this.

I slap Damon on the arm, "Out of all the people to kill?"

Then I go to my room and before I can even change or breathe I hear Damon screaming, "Mystallll, get in here now!!!"

I speed into his bathroom, that's where he was, looking concerned, and I come to find Katherine, naked. How lovely.

"How did you get out?" I ask through gritted teeth even though I'm sure Damon already asked.

"I knew that if I begged you two not to kill Elijah, that's exactly what you'd do. Little known fact, Originals can compel vampires, but, and much to my excitement that little Ms.Original know-it-all didn't know is, as soon as they die, the compulsion wears off," Katherine smugly lets us know.

"And you knew?" Damon figures out.

"And I'm still here," She points out, "I didn't run. I mean what I said Damon and Mystal, I'm going to help."

"No thanks," I grumble.

"So... how about that robe?" She shifts on her feet. I forgot she was even still naked.

"Great idea," I mutter. Damon just blinks.

The Salvatore Sister: TVD- Season 2Where stories live. Discover now